- This codes are requesting a Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate from ACME and issuing and deploying the issued SSL certificate to the AWS Application Lod Balancer. You can check out the story and installation steps on https://ercanermis.com/automate-lets-encrypt-ssl-on-aws-application-load-balancer
- aws-cli - epel Repository - jq - dig - nginx - crond - certbot - python2-certbot-nginx - IAM Role Policy - IAM Role or AWS Cli User
On the CentOS based server, just go to /opt/ path with cd /opt/
command and run the git clone https://github.com/flightlesstux/alble.git
Otherwise, something will goes wrong.
I'm not taking any responsibilites to use, just be careful when you are playing in the production area : )
Just and a PR. All PR's and contributions are welcome!