An advanced free FiveM anticheat.
Always be careful when you are configuring this anticheat. You will need to find out which functions are working correctly on your server. A good configuration can make difference. Bypass ACE permission: bltk-ac.bypass
- Anti God Mode
- Max health system
- Anti Semi God Mode
- Anti Spacklist
- Resource Lookup
- Command Checker
- Resource Checker
- Anti Resource Restart
- NUICheck
- Anti NUI-Devtools
- Anti Invisible
- Anti SpeedHack
- Anti Explosive Bullets
- Anti Noclip
- Anti Weapon Damage Changer
- EMDectate
- Weapon Blacklist
- NPC Deleter for NoNPC servers
- Texture Detection
- Thermal Vision detection
- Night Vision detection
- Anti Ragdoll detection
- Anti MenyooASI
- Anti Freecam
- Armor check
- Anti Tiny ped
- Ped bl
- Debug Mode
- Anti PCK Menu
- Anti Scrambler Script
- Anti Weapon remove
- Anti Weapon add
- Anti Entity Nuke, this will catch entity spams etc...
- Anti ParticleFX
- Anti Explosion Nuke
- Anti Chat Spam
- Anti Blacklisted Word
- Blacklisted Events
- Argument protected events
- Anti Negative Events
- Object/Vehicle/Ped blacklist
- Anti Event spam
I will always update the anticheat, when I will find new solutions for blocking cheats. If you want to help, feel free to make a Pull Request!