NOTE! This project is archived due to lack of activity; you can still consume this software, although not advised, as it's not been maintained since November 2021. If you're interested to restore activity on this repository, please email
This intergration is a helm chart to deploy Legend Studio to Kubernetes.
Kubernetes CNCF Cluster <=1.16 (K3s/RKE/RKE2):
- Clone Helm Chart Repo
git clone --depth 1
- Gitlab OAuth config setup
If you don't already have a Gitlab OAuth application, first, navigate to User Settings > Applications
and create an application with the following parameters:
- Name: Legend Demo
- Redirect URI:
http://{HOST IP}
http://{HOST IP}
http://{HOST IP}
http://{HOST IP}
- Enable the "Confidential" check box
- Enable these scopes: openid, profile, api
- Finally, "Save Application"
- Install helm chart
helm install legend ./legend/installers/helm/ --set env.LEGEND_HOST="{HOST IP}" \
--set env.GITLAB_OAUTH_SECRET="" \
--namespace legend \
- Check pods are in running/ready state
kubectl get pods -n legend
- Browse to http://{HOST IP}
Same steps as 2. but with https callback url:
- Redirect URI:
https://{DNS Hostname}/callback
https://{DNS Hostname}/api/auth/callback
https://{DNS Hostname}/api/pac4j/login/callback
https://{DNS Hostname}/studio/
Create Ingress TLS Secret
kubectl create secret tls tls-legend --cert=fullchain.pem --key=key.pem
Install helm chart
helm install legend ./legend/installers/helm/ --set env.LEGEND_HOST="{DNS Hostname}" \
--set env.GITLAB_OAUTH_SECRET="" \
--set env.HTTP_MODE="https" \
--set env.TLS_SECRET="tls-legend" \
--namespace legend \
Browse to https://{DNS Hostname}/studio
To learn about contributing to Legend, see the file or the "contribute to Legend" section of the Legend documentation site.
Copyright 2021 Suse
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0