Some OpenGL programs from Computer Graphics course assignments at University of Bologna.
Every project choosen + additional improvement not required that i added:
- Project 1: Bézier curves drawing:
- istead of using an array[] for control points i used an std::vector<>. In this way it's possible to have infinite control points.
- curve rendering is done with adaptive subdivision
- Project 3: Interactive navigation in a 3d scene
- Project 6: Lighting, shading & texture mapping
- Started from code of project 3, so camera animation is included
- With key 't' you can change texture of selected object, with 'm' you can change the shader
- Procedural texture is implemented with a Julia fractal (you can generate new one pressing 'f' )
I would like to thanks for the help Serena Morigi, Matteo Berti, Devid Farinelli and Giulio Colombini