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707 lines (564 loc) · 22.6 KB

File metadata and controls

707 lines (564 loc) · 22.6 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
CreateF24 POST /c/{company_id}/taxes Create F24
DeleteF24 DELETE /c/{company_id}/taxes/{document_id} Delete F24
DeleteF24Attachment DELETE /c/{company_id}/taxes/{document_id}/attachment Delete F24 Attachment
GetF24 GET /c/{company_id}/taxes/{document_id} Get F24
ListF24 GET /c/{company_id}/taxes List F24
ModifyF24 PUT /c/{company_id}/taxes/{document_id} Modify F24
UploadF24Attachment POST /c/{company_id}/taxes/attachment Upload F24 Attachment


CreateF24Response CreateF24 (int companyId, CreateF24Request createF24Request = null)

Create F24

Creates a new F24.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class CreateF24Example
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2AuthenticationCodeFlow
            config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new TaxesApi(config);
            var companyId = 12345;  // int | The ID of the company.
            var createF24Request = new CreateF24Request(); // CreateF24Request | The F24 to create (optional) 

                // Create F24
                CreateF24Response result = apiInstance.CreateF24(companyId, createF24Request);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.CreateF24: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the CreateF24WithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    // Create F24
    ApiResponse<CreateF24Response> response = apiInstance.CreateF24WithHttpInfo(companyId, createF24Request);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.CreateF24WithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
companyId int The ID of the company.
createF24Request CreateF24Request The F24 to create [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The created F24 -
401 Unauthorized -
404 Not Found -

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void DeleteF24 (int companyId, int documentId)

Delete F24

Removes the specified F24.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class DeleteF24Example
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2AuthenticationCodeFlow
            config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new TaxesApi(config);
            var companyId = 12345;  // int | The ID of the company.
            var documentId = 56;  // int | The ID of the document.

                // Delete F24
                apiInstance.DeleteF24(companyId, documentId);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.DeleteF24: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the DeleteF24WithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    // Delete F24
    apiInstance.DeleteF24WithHttpInfo(companyId, documentId);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.DeleteF24WithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
companyId int The ID of the company.
documentId int The ID of the document.

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Document removed. -
401 Unauthorized -
404 Not Found -

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void DeleteF24Attachment (int companyId, int documentId)

Delete F24 Attachment

Removes the attachment of the specified F24.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class DeleteF24AttachmentExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2AuthenticationCodeFlow
            config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new TaxesApi(config);
            var companyId = 12345;  // int | The ID of the company.
            var documentId = 56;  // int | The ID of the document.

                // Delete F24 Attachment
                apiInstance.DeleteF24Attachment(companyId, documentId);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.DeleteF24Attachment: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the DeleteF24AttachmentWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    // Delete F24 Attachment
    apiInstance.DeleteF24AttachmentWithHttpInfo(companyId, documentId);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.DeleteF24AttachmentWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
companyId int The ID of the company.
documentId int The ID of the document.

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 File Removed. -
401 Unauthorized -
404 Not Found -

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GetF24Response GetF24 (int companyId, int documentId, string fields = null, string fieldset = null)

Get F24

Gets the specified F24.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetF24Example
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2AuthenticationCodeFlow
            config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new TaxesApi(config);
            var companyId = 12345;  // int | The ID of the company.
            var documentId = 56;  // int | The ID of the document.
            var fields = "fields_example";  // string | List of comma-separated fields. (optional) 
            var fieldset = "basic";  // string | Name of the fieldset. (optional) 

                // Get F24
                GetF24Response result = apiInstance.GetF24(companyId, documentId, fields, fieldset);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.GetF24: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the GetF24WithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    // Get F24
    ApiResponse<GetF24Response> response = apiInstance.GetF24WithHttpInfo(companyId, documentId, fields, fieldset);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.GetF24WithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
companyId int The ID of the company.
documentId int The ID of the document.
fields string List of comma-separated fields. [optional]
fieldset string Name of the fieldset. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The F24 -
401 Unauthorized -
404 Not Found -

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ListF24Response ListF24 (int companyId, string fields = null, string fieldset = null, string sort = null, int? page = null, int? perPage = null, string q = null)

List F24

Lists the F24s.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class ListF24Example
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2AuthenticationCodeFlow
            config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new TaxesApi(config);
            var companyId = 12345;  // int | The ID of the company.
            var fields = "fields_example";  // string | List of comma-separated fields. (optional) 
            var fieldset = "basic";  // string | Name of the fieldset. (optional) 
            var sort = "sort_example";  // string | List of comma-separated fields for result sorting (minus for desc sorting). (optional) 
            var page = 1;  // int? | The page to retrieve. (optional)  (default to 1)
            var perPage = 5;  // int? | The size of the page. (optional)  (default to 5)
            var q = "q_example";  // string | Query for filtering the results. (optional) 

                // List F24
                ListF24Response result = apiInstance.ListF24(companyId, fields, fieldset, sort, page, perPage, q);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.ListF24: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the ListF24WithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    // List F24
    ApiResponse<ListF24Response> response = apiInstance.ListF24WithHttpInfo(companyId, fields, fieldset, sort, page, perPage, q);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.ListF24WithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
companyId int The ID of the company.
fields string List of comma-separated fields. [optional]
fieldset string Name of the fieldset. [optional]
sort string List of comma-separated fields for result sorting (minus for desc sorting). [optional]
page int? The page to retrieve. [optional] [default to 1]
perPage int? The size of the page. [optional] [default to 5]
q string Query for filtering the results. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Results list. -
401 Unauthorized -

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ModifyF24Response ModifyF24 (int companyId, int documentId, ModifyF24Request modifyF24Request = null)

Modify F24

Modifies the specified F24.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class ModifyF24Example
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2AuthenticationCodeFlow
            config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new TaxesApi(config);
            var companyId = 12345;  // int | The ID of the company.
            var documentId = 56;  // int | The ID of the document.
            var modifyF24Request = new ModifyF24Request(); // ModifyF24Request | The F24 (optional) 

                // Modify F24
                ModifyF24Response result = apiInstance.ModifyF24(companyId, documentId, modifyF24Request);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.ModifyF24: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the ModifyF24WithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    // Modify F24
    ApiResponse<ModifyF24Response> response = apiInstance.ModifyF24WithHttpInfo(companyId, documentId, modifyF24Request);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.ModifyF24WithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
companyId int The ID of the company.
documentId int The ID of the document.
modifyF24Request ModifyF24Request The F24 [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The modified F24 -
401 Unauthorized -
404 Not Found -

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UploadF24AttachmentResponse UploadF24Attachment (int companyId, string filename = null, System.IO.Stream attachment = null)

Upload F24 Attachment

Uploads an attachment destined to a F24. The actual association between the document and the attachment must be implemented separately, using the returned token.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class UploadF24AttachmentExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2AuthenticationCodeFlow
            config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new TaxesApi(config);
            var companyId = 12345;  // int | The ID of the company.
            var filename = "filename_example";  // string | Attachment file name (optional) 
            var attachment = new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("/path/to/file.txt"));  // System.IO.Stream | Attachment file [.png, .jpg, .gif, .pdf, .zip, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx] (optional) 

                // Upload F24 Attachment
                UploadF24AttachmentResponse result = apiInstance.UploadF24Attachment(companyId, filename, attachment);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.UploadF24Attachment: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the UploadF24AttachmentWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    // Upload F24 Attachment
    ApiResponse<UploadF24AttachmentResponse> response = apiInstance.UploadF24AttachmentWithHttpInfo(companyId, filename, attachment);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling TaxesApi.UploadF24AttachmentWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
companyId int The ID of the company.
filename string Attachment file name [optional]
attachment System.IO.Stream****System.IO.Stream Attachment file [.png, .jpg, .gif, .pdf, .zip, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx] [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Attachment Token. -

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