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Original interpreter was written in CPython 3.10.
All files with binarian source code have extension .bino
To run your code, run python file( or executable(binarian.exe).
Usage: binarian <file> [options]
-d Debug mode, prints variables values at the end of execution.
-tc Type check code before executing, will print all errors found.
-no-std Disables std library.
-cache Caches parsed code to file.
-load-cache Sets mode to loading cached file.
-opers Creates .dot and .svg file with graphviz representing ast and all operations parsed
--help Show help message.
If you want to compile binarian intepreter yourself for tests of your modifications, updating std.bino or other reasons. Pyinstaller is recomended.
Command for creating executable in current version is pyinstaller --paths "<path to source code directory>" --onefile --add-data "std.bino;."
Latest version of standard library is stored in github repo in std.bino file, if you want new features from standard library and stay on old version of interpreter, use old source code of intepreter and new std.bino in directory with source code. New versions of standard library can work incorrectly on older versions. Look to How to compile for more information about creating executable.
Standard library includes useful functions like sum, list-eq, xor. Documentation for standard library is available in github repo in ([] file.
Use -no-std flag in command to not include it while execution. If std.bino is not found warning will be displayed and execution will continue without including standard library.
To write comments use '//'. All symbols in line after '//' will be marked as comments.
var variable = 69 // This is comment
Expressions is lines in lines, but while execution they will be replaced with returns of keywords or functions. Also you can't use set, input and print etc. in expressions. Syntax :
keyword (keyword arg (keyword arg arg)) arg
Example :
var var1 = (input)
var var2 = (input)
print (and var1 (not var2))
Operations can be performed on int, float, str, list. But some types are limited.
List of operations :
- -, *, /, %, **, >, <, >=, <= - can only be performed between floats and ints.
- + - can be performed on any types mentioned above, but you can only add lists to lists, strings to strings and int or float to int or float.
- ==, != - can be performed beetwen any two objects.
To create function use func keyword is global scope. To call function use function name as keyword, than put all needed arguments after function name. To get return value of function put call in expression. To return value use return keyword. If fucntion don`t return any value, it will return 0.
If any variable was registred in function, it will become local. So it`s unavailable in global scope, other functions and other functions calls. Arguments is local too.
Example :
func name : arg1, arg2 {
not arg1
input inp1
print (and inp1 arg1)
return (and arg1 arg2)
There are 6 types in binarian, one of them isnt recomended to use and was added for techinical porpuses.
Most common type in binarian, represents any integer. In binarian also takes place of boolean. Examples : 0 -69 420
There is int litterals in other bases: octal, binary and hexadecimal. Binarian uses prefixes to recognize alternative bases. Examples :
0x12 // Hexadecimal, 18
0b010 // Binary, 2
0o10 // Octal, 8
Number with floating decimal point, has slower arithmetics operation then int. But you can have fractions with it. Examples : 420.69 -24.0000 96.0001
String of characters, matched only with ". Str can contain escape characters new line, tab etc., to use them put \ before character e. g. "\", "\n" """. Examples : "Hellow world\n" "\tBrackets : [] {} ()"
List can contain any objects of any other types. Look to Lists for more details. Examples : [6 9 "420" [420.69]]
Type representing function usually defined by func keyword.
Object is basically every possible value in binarian. So if type of something is object it can be anything.
Syntax = : var var_name = value; var type = var_name value
This keyword uses to assign or change value of variables. Typing is optional. While type checking type may be figured out by value, if type isnt provided.
You can't use this keyword in expression. Variable name can`t be same as keyword or have brackets in them.
Example :
var var1 = 1
var var2 = 1
and var1 var2
or 0 var1
Syntax : drop var_name
This keyword uses to delete variable from memory.
Variable need to be assigned before droping. You can't use this keyword in expression. Variable name can`t be same as keyword or have brackets in them.
Example :
var var1 = 1
var var2 = 1
drop var1
and var1 var2 // Will throw exception
Syntax : input
This keyword uses to input data from keyboard. Keyword returns user input as str.
Example :
print (input) // echo
Syntax : convert value type
Converts value to type type
, if cant convert(for example converting int to list) throws exception.
If keyword used in expression, expression will replaced by result.
Type must be lowercase, written same as specified in Types.
Example :
input inp
var a = (convert inp float) // Type cheking will automatically set type of variable to float,
// but wont check if type can be converted to specified type
Syntax : pyeval code imports exports
Executes python code joins first argument with new line, imports values to code with name, returns list of variables with names from exports.
Using this keyword isnt recomended std library may have features, that you need or at least use functions for generic features
Example :
func object get_attr : obj: object, attr: str {
return (index (pyeval [(+ "ret = obj." attr)] [["obj" obj]] ["ret"]) 0)
Synatax :
if condition {
Conditional operator if, executes code in block if condition is true(mostly it means, that value isnt "empty").
Example :
input a
if a {
print a _a
Synatax :
if condition {
else {
Conditional operator else, executes code in block if condition of previous if operator is false(mostly it means, that value is "empty").
Not required for every if.
Else must go right after if.
Example :
input a
if a {
print a _a
else {
input b
print b _b
Synatax :
if condition {
elif condition {
else {
Conditional operator elif, executes code in block if condition of previous if operator is false(mostly it means, that value is "empty") and it's condition is true(mostly it means, that value isnt "empty").
Not required for every if.
Elif must go right after if.
You can chain as much elifs as you want and else isnt required after last elif.
Example :
input a
input b
if a {
print a a
elif b {
print b b
else {
input c
print c c
Synatax :
for variable list {
For loop, aka foreach. Iterates throw list
, every iteration executes code inside, sets variable
to next value in list.
After last loop iteration finished, variable
is droped, so you can`t access it any more.
Example :
var list = [[0 1] [1 0]]
for i list {
print i pretty list
for j i {
print j pretty sub-list
Synatax :
while condition {
While loop. Repeats code inside, while condition is true(mostly it means, that value isnt "empty").
Example :
// This code will just print hi there : 1
var name = 1
while name {
print 1 hi_there
var name = 0
Synatax :
while condition {
for var list {
Stops while
or for
loop. Mostly used with conditions.
Example :
for i [0 0 1 0] {
if i {
print i i
Synatax :
while condition {
for var list {
Stops current while
or for
loop iteration and starts the next one. Mostly used with conditions.
Example :
for i [0 0 1 0] {
if i {
print i cont
Synatax : index list index
Gets list element with index index
If keyword used in expression, expression will replaced by result.
Example :
var list = [0 1 0]
print (index list 2) 3rd // Prints 0
Synatax : setindex list index value
Sets list element with index index
to value
You can't use this keyword in expression.
Example :
var list_ = [0 1 0]
setindex list_ 2 1 // [0 1 1]
Synatax : append list element
Appends element to end of the list.
You can't use this keyword in expression.
Example :
set list [0 1 0]
append list 1 // List becomes [0 1 0 1]
Synatax :
func name : arg1, arg2... {
func ret_type name : arg1:type, arg2... {
Function declaration keyword. Typing is optional and mixing up typed and not typed arguments is allowed.
":" is not needed if no args used in function.
Example :
func int nor : arg1:int, arg2 {
return (not (or arg1 arg2))
Synatax : return value
Returns value for function.
Keyword need to be used in function.
Example :
func nor : arg1, arg2 {
return (not (or arg1 arg2))