Ruby version ~> 3.1.3
Rails ~> 7.0.8
Steps to set up the service
git clone
bundle install
Database creation
rails db:migrate
Database initialization
For manual testing you need to create your own user with the following attributes 'first_name', 'last_name','email' and for Rspecs the user will be created automatically.
How to run the test suite
rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
for creating test DB
API endpoint details
will be used before each endpoint defined in routes.rb
Features / Functionalities :
A user can create a task with a title and description. Given the user has a valid JWT token
(token secret = 'test')
. A task can be retrieved by Task ID or created by or assigned to the logged-in user. For updating a task user just needs to send the field and the value that needs to be updated. Deletion can be done via the delete API which will require a task ID.