Viper-Movies is an iOS application that utilizes the database to provide users with a comprehensive movie browsing experience. It follows the VIPER architecture pattern and includes various key features and views designed for optimal usability.
UI Design: Utilizes Autolayout for responsive UI design.
Layout and Data Management: Implements compositional layout and diffable datasource on some pages for efficient data rendering.
Localization: Supports English and Turkish languages using Localizable files.
Network Connectivity: Checks for internet connectivity app-wide; restricts usage without internet.
Loading View: Displays a loading view until data is fetched for a smooth user experience.
Auto-dismiss Keyboard Feature: Includes a convenient feature where the keyboard automatically dismisses when tapping anywhere outside of it, except on the keyboard itself.
- Splash Screen: The first screen displayed when the application is started. It is displayed every time the application is opened.
- Onboarding: Includes application introduction, created using Page ViewController. Features:
- The introduction screen is shown only once; it is skipped on subsequent application starts (controlled via UserDefaults).
- Main: The primary screen among the 3 tabs in the Tabbar, showing movies currently in theaters and their posters. Features:
- Includes two different search functionalities: local search and service-based search.
- Local search: Searches within currently fetched "in theaters" movies. Removes posters during the search for a more convenient view of search results.
- Service search: Searches all movies from the database search service. A delay has been added in this search format to avoid making too many service requests. If there are more than 3 movies as a result, the "see more" button becomes active and navigates to the "SearchResultList" screen.
- Pagination for efficient navigation through movie listings.
- Access to the "Detail" page from both the main view movie list and search view.
- Includes two different search functionalities: local search and service-based search.
- SearchResultList: Displays search results. Features:
- Accessed via the "Search in All" option on the Main View.
- Pagination for efficient navigation through movie listings.
- Detail: Detailed information about selected movies. Features:
- Scroll view for seamless browsing of movie details.
- IMDb button for direct navigation to the movie's IMDb page.
- Lists similar movies, with navigation to their detail pages upon clicking.
- Add to/remove from favorites functionality using UserDefaults.
- Specials: Section featuring curated lists such as Upcoming, Top Rated, and Popular movies. Features:
- Selection of different lists via a picker and refreshing the list with a new service call if a different list is selected.
- Pagination for efficient navigation through movie listings.
- Favorites: Lists movies saved in favorites. Features:
- Removal capability via swipe-to-delete in the Favorites Screen.
- Networking: Integrates Alamofire for networking.
- Image Loading: Utilizes Kingfisher for image loading.