- Chapter 5: She's the Star - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 3: CallieDedf1shFight - Donhi
- Chapter 6: shades - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 8: just_the_two_of_them - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 8 endnote: who_wouldnt_like_boobs_in_their_mouth - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 9: mona - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 10: kiss - Donhi
- Chapter 2: LookAtHer - Donhi
- Chapter 4: BlorbosOnClass350 - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 5: JeffreyBurgerHug - markerthorinus
- Chapter 7: dont_worry_shes_fine - Popsicles
- Chapter 2: AstridZaraKiss - MaddeningTrash
- Chapter 3: ahatosketh_2 - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 4: SCRCh4 - Popsicles
- Chapter 5.A: Krysta - VeryDizzy
- Chapter 5.Z: shaded/dj_got_us_sanitized_in_the_house_tonight - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 5.Z: ZaraSanitizationCamera/ZaraSanitization - usagipyon_
- Chapter 6: may_we_find_each_other - Thunder_Jake
- agentfour - xtravisage
- Chapter 1: Acht - underFlorence
- Chapter 4: the beginnings - Thunder_Jake
- Feather Parka - Thunder_Jake
- Picture of Marie - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 1: For the Good of Monsterkind - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 1: Martlet - Popsicles
- Chapter 4: Can I Interest You in Some Arson? - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 6: No, Not You Too - Thunder_Jake
- Chapter 11: Coat!Astrid - underFlorence
- Chapter 24: Astrid Mirror - Popsicles