- NI DAQ comm. and parser
- NI DAQ comm with Multicast
- DAQ data MQTT sender
- PLC comm. and parser
- PLC data MQTT sender
- Anemometer comm. and parser
- Anemometer data MQTT sender
- CBOR object packet compression
- Flowtype typecheck configuration
- Deployment and registration on system service
curl --insecure -o- -L \
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eunchurn/tm21-rpi3-application/master/scripts/install.sh | bash
- ✅start:
systemctl start dku
- ❎stop:
systemctl stop dku
- 🔧restart:
systemctl restart dku
- 💡status:
systemctl status dku
- 🔍log view:
journalctl -u dku
- 🗓log following:
journalctl -u dku -f