By the end of today's course, you will understand the following:
- What is nanopore sequencing?
- What does raw read data look like?
- What are important file formats as a bioinformatician?
- How can I basecall, align, and interpret sequencing results from raw read data?
Bioinformatics is often a 'black box' of information where there are many things to learn and unpack, even as a bioinformatician! There are so many facets to the field of bioinformatics, everything from protein analytics, to spatial transcripomics, to metagenomic analysis, to pipeline engineering, there is no end to what you can learn. However, having at least some understanding of the field and how to learn field-specific tools can hopefully provide a foundation for continued learning. Let's get started!
Nanopore seqencing relies on passing a single strand of DNA through a nanometer-scale pore, typically a biological protein pore, and measuring the changes in electrical current as the nucleotides move through the pore. The following steps and graphic outline how seqeucnign works at a surface level:
- Preparation of the sample: The DNA or RNA sample is typically fragmented into smaller pieces before sequencing.
- Passage through nanopores: A nanopore is embedded in a membrane, and an electrical potential is applied across this membrane. As the DNA or RNA molecule passes through the nanopore, the changes in electrical current are recorded.
- Current modulation: Each nucleotide has a distinct size and shape, leading to different current modulations as they pass through the pore. By analyzing these changes in current, the sequence of the DNA or RNA molecule can be determined.
Nanopore sequencing has several advantages:
- Long reads: It can produce long sequence reads, which is beneficial for assembling complex genomes and resolving repetitive regions.
- Real-time sequencing: The sequencing process is real-time, meaning that data can be generated as the DNA or RNA passes through the nanopore.
- Single-molecule sequencing: Each molecule is sequenced individually, which can provide more accurate information compared to some other sequencing methods.
POD5 files store raw read data that is generated by the sequencing machine. This file is not super useful until after basecalling, or interpreting the signal data into bases.
POD5 = Newer
FAST5 = Older
A SAM file, which stands for Sequence Alignment/Map format, is a standard plain-text format in bioinformatics used to store nucleotide sequence alignment information. SAM files are often generated by DNA or RNA sequencing technologies and are used to represent the alignment of sequence reads to a reference genome. BAM files are the compressed, or smaller version of SAM files. See the link for more information
A BED file in bioinformatics is a widely used file format for representing genomic region data. The name "BED" stands for Browser Extensible Data. This format is simple and flexible, making it easy to use for storing and sharing genomic annotations.
A BED file typically contains information about genomic features such as genes, transcripts, regulatory elements, or other functional elements. Each line in the BED file represents a specific genomic region and includes several columns of information. The first three columns are mandatory, and additional columns can be included for additional details.
The FASTA format is a simple and widely used text-based file format in bioinformatics for representing nucleotide or protein sequences. It is named after the software package "FASTA," which introduced this format. FASTA files typically have a .fasta or .fa file extension.
A FASTA file consists of one or more sequence entries, where each entry has two parts: Header Line (starting with '>') and Sequence Data
A VCF (Variant Call Format) file is a standard file format in bioinformatics used to store information about genetic variants discovered during DNA sequencing. Genetic variants can include single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions, and structural variations. VCF files are commonly used in the analysis and sharing of genomic variation data.
Here we will install all of the necessary hardware to basecall on your own machine. We will be using Oxford Nanopore's open source basecalling software, Dorado. Continue on the link below and click on your operating system to download Dorado. This link can also be used later to access Dorado's in-depth documentation.
Once that has been downloaded, we will get it set up to easily use in your terminal. Open the terminal and enter in these commands.
export PATH="/path/to/dorado/bin:$PATH"
You should see this pop up:
Usage: dorado [options] subcommand
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
-h --help shows help message and exits
-v --version prints version information and exits
-vv prints verbose version information and exits
Now we want to download a basecalling model. These models are ML models that are pre-trained to detect certain patterns in the raw read data to determine what base each signal is. We can download all possible models by entering the following:
dorado download --model all
However to cut down storage, we will just download the following model, which works with methylation and should fit all needs in the lab.
dorado download --model dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac@v4.2.0
Now we are ready to begin basecalling! We can do this by entering this command
dorado basecaller dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac@v4.1.0 pod5s/ > calls.bam
pod5s/ will be replaced with the directory of your POD5 files and calls.bam will need to be pointing to the correct output directory.
Alignment can also be done with Dorado, as the Nanopore aligner minimap2 is integrated. First, we need to get our reference genome. You will need to find whatever suits your needs best, but we will use HG38, as that is the current human genome standard. Here is a download link for the HG38 reference genome I've saved for us. Second, align!
dorado aligner <index> <reads> > calls.aln.bam
index is the location of your reference genome and reads will be your unalinged BAM file we created while basecalling. Now you should have a basecalled, aligned BAM file filled with your sequence data!
Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data in the SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) and BAM (Binary Alignment/Map) formats. These formats are commonly used in bioinformatics for representing sequence alignment information, especially in the context of DNA and RNA sequencing data.
Samtools provides a set of command-line utilities that enable users to perform various operations on SAM/BAM files, such as:
- Converting between SAM and BAM formats: Samtools allows users to convert files between the human-readable SAM format and the more compact and efficient binary BAM format. This conversion is useful for both storage and processing efficiency.
- Sorting and indexing: Samtools can sort the alignment records in a BAM file by genomic coordinates and create an index file, which facilitates faster retrieval of specific genomic regions. This is essential for many downstream analyses.
- Viewing and filtering: Samtools provides commands to view the contents of SAM/BAM files, filter records based on criteria like mapping quality or read flags, and extract specific genomic regions.
- Merging and comparing: Samtools can merge multiple BAM files into a single file, compare multiple sorted BAM files, and perform other operations that involve multiple samples or datasets.
- Calculating statistics: Samtools includes tools for calculating various statistics, such as coverage, depth, and other metrics related to the alignment data.
Lets get a package manager that we can install samtools into. The most versatile one is condas.
# This filename must be edited to match that of your downloaded file
Reload your terminal
Now condas should be downloaded to your system and you should notice '(base)' at the beginning of your terminal line:
(base) Ethans-MacBook-Air-124:~
run the command conda
and you should see the following output:
usage: conda [-h] [--no-plugins] [-V] COMMAND ...
conda is a tool for managing and deploying applications, environments and packages.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--no-plugins Disable all plugins that are not built into conda.
-V, --version Show the conda version number and exit.
The following built-in and plugins subcommands are available.
clean Remove unused packages and caches.
compare Compare packages between conda environments.
config Modify configuration values in .condarc.
content-trust See `conda content-trust --help`.
create Create a new conda environment from a list of specified
doctor Display a health report for your environment.
env See `conda env --help`.
info Display information about current conda install.
init Initialize conda for shell interaction.
install Install a list of packages into a specified conda
list List installed packages in a conda environment.
notices Retrieve latest channel notifications.
package Create low-level conda packages. (EXPERIMENTAL)
remove (uninstall)
Remove a list of packages from a specified conda
rename Rename an existing environment.
run Run an executable in a conda environment.
search Search for packages and display associated information
using the MatchSpec format.
update (upgrade) Update conda packages to the latest compatible version.
Now that we have verified that condas is working, lets make a samtools environment.
conda create --name samtools -c bioconda samtools
Select y
to all options and voila! Activate the samtools environment with the command:
conda activate samtools
Now your terminal line should look like this, notice how it says samtools instead of '(base)':
(samtools) Ethans-MacBook-Air-124:~
Verify samtools is installed by running samtools
where you should see something like:
Program: samtools (Tools for alignments in the SAM format)
Version: 1.17 (using htslib 1.17)
Usage: samtools <command> [options]
-- Indexing
dict create a sequence dictionary file
faidx index/extract FASTA
fqidx index/extract FASTQ
index index alignment
-- Editing
calmd recalculate MD/NM tags and '=' bases
fixmate fix mate information
reheader replace BAM header
targetcut cut fosmid regions (for fosmid pool only)
addreplacerg adds or replaces RG tags
markdup mark duplicates
ampliconclip clip oligos from the end of reads
-- File operations
collate shuffle and group alignments by name
cat concatenate BAMs
consensus produce a consensus Pileup/FASTA/FASTQ
merge merge sorted alignments
mpileup multi-way pileup
sort sort alignment file
split splits a file by read group
quickcheck quickly check if SAM/BAM/CRAM file appears intact
fastq converts a BAM to a FASTQ
fasta converts a BAM to a FASTA
import Converts FASTA or FASTQ files to SAM/BAM/CRAM
reference Generates a reference from aligned data
reset Reverts aligner changes in reads
-- Statistics
bedcov read depth per BED region
coverage alignment depth and percent coverage
depth compute the depth
flagstat simple stats
idxstats BAM index stats
cram-size list CRAM Content-ID and Data-Series sizes
phase phase heterozygotes
stats generate stats (former bamcheck)
ampliconstats generate amplicon specific stats
-- Viewing
flags explain BAM flags
head header viewer
tview text alignment viewer
view SAM<->BAM<->CRAM conversion
depad convert padded BAM to unpadded BAM
samples list the samples in a set of SAM/BAM/CRAM files
-- Misc
help [cmd] display this help message or help for [cmd]
version detailed version information
Convert BAM to SAM
samtools view -h -o file.sam file.bam
Convert SAM to BAM
samtools view -bS file.sam > file.bam
Extract number of reads
samtools view -c
Sort aligned BAM file
samtools sort file.bam > file.sorted.bam
Index sorted BAM file
samtools index file.sorted.bam
Extract average read length
samtools view -h your_file.bam | awk '$1 !~ /^@/ {print length($10)}' | awk '{sum += $1} END {if (NR > 0) print sum / NR}'