Installs and configure a basic gitlab omnibus install
Molecule is a tool to help testing, linting etc to ensure the role is fulfilling some basic requirements.
To setup environment to run Molecule tests ensure python is installed on machine.
Create a virtualenv for your work:
python3 -m venv /path/to/your/venv
Then we proceed to install the requirements for what we are using. This is configured to require podman with how this is setup but you could use docker. It would require changes in the `/molecule/default/molecule.yaml to use the docker driver.
source /path/to/your/venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install wheel
python3 -m pip install molecule[lint,podman,ansible]
Next step ensure the container image used by tests exists build it.
podman build . -t ubuntu:latest
Now we can test that Molecule can create the environment needed to test.
molecule create
Then you can check that the container exists with:
molecule list
To run linting molecule lint
should show you the results
To run the fullsuite of tasks with molecule you can run the following command
molecule test
This will then run linting and creating and testing to run the role and then destroy the environment after.
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- vars/main.yaml
- { role: ergho.gitlab }
Then inside the vars_files you could use these for example.
gitlab_external_url: ""
gitlab_edition: "gitlab-ee"
gitlab_version: "15.8.3-ee.0"
There's also an actual example in the examples folder how this could actually be deployed