v2.12.0 - 2022-08-26
- Switch to use V1 apis of EDP components EPMDEDP-10087
- Download required tools for Makefile targets EPMDEDP-10105
- Switch CRDs to v1 version EPMDEDP-9221
Bug Fixes
- Downgrade Sonar version EPMDEDP-10281
- Downgrade Sonar plugins to fix compatibility EPMDEDP-10281
- Make sure we pass refreshed JWT token from cookies EPMDEDP-10395
Code Refactoring
- Deprecate unused Spec components for Sonar v1 EPMDEDP-10128
- Use repository and tag for image reference in chart EPMDEDP-10389
- Apply new lint config EPMDEDP-8066
- Upgrade go version to 1.18 EPMDEDP-10110
- Fix Jira Ticket pattern for changelog generator EPMDEDP-10159
- Update alpine base image to 3.16.2 version EPMDEDP-10274
- Update SonarQube plugins version EPMDEDP-10274
- Update SonarQube to 8.9.9-community version EPMDEDP-10274
- Update sonar version to 8.9.9-community EPMDEDP-10281
- Update sonar version to 8.9.9-community EPMDEDP-10281
- Revert: Update sonar version to 8.9.9-community EPMDEDP-10281
- Change 'go get' to 'go install' for git-chglog EPMDEDP-10337
- Use deployments as default deploymentType for OpenShift EPMDEDP-10344
- Remove VERSION file EPMDEDP-10387
- Add gcflags for go build artifact EPMDEDP-10411
- Update chart annotation EPMDEDP-8832
- Update current development version EPMDEDP-8832
- Align README.md EPMDEDP-10274