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Source code (R statistical programming language, v3.6) to reproduce the results described in the article:

Avila Cobos F, Alquicira-Hernandez J, Powell JE, Mestdagh P and De Preter K. Benchmarking of cell type deconvolution pipelines for transcriptomics data. (Nature Communications;


Here we provide an example folder (named "example"; see "Folder requirements & running the deconvolution") that can be directly used. It contains an artificial single-cell RNA-seq dataset made of 5 artificial cell types; 200 cells per cell type and 80 genes.

The other five external datasets (together with the necessary metadata) can be downloaded from their respective sources:

Regarding E-MTAB-5061: cells with "not_applicable", "unclassified” and “co-expression_cell" labels were excluded and only cells coming from six healthy patients (non-diabetic) were kept.

The following line is needed for fresh installations of Linux (Debian): sudo apt-get install curl libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev r-base-dev libxml2-dev


Code to be run before running any deconvolution (to be run in R >= 3.6.0):

packages <- c("devtools", "BiocManager","data.table","ggplot2","tidyverse",
			  "foreach","doMC","doSNOW", #for parallelism
			  "Seurat","sctransform", #sc-specific normalization
			  "nnls","FARDEEP","MASS","glmnet","ComICS","dtangle") #bulk deconvolution methods

for (i in packages){ install.packages(i, character.only = TRUE)}

# Installation using BiocManager:
# Some packages that didn't work with install.packages (e.g. may not be present in a CRAN repository chosen by the user)
packages3 = c('limma','edgeR','DESeq2','pcaMethods','BiocParallel','preprocessCore','scater','SingleCellExperiment','Linnorm','DeconRNASeq','multtest','GSEABase','annotate','genefilter','preprocessCore','graph','MAST','Biobase') #last two are required by DWLS and MuSiC, respectively.
for (i in packages3){ BiocManager::install(i, character.only = TRUE)}

# Dependencies for CellMix: 'NMF', 'csSAM', 'GSEABase', 'annotate', 'genefilter', 'preprocessCore', 'limSolve', 'corpcor', 'graph', 'BiocInstaller'
packages2 = c('NMF','csSAM','limSolve','corpcor')
for (i in packages2){ install.packages(i, character.only = TRUE)}

# Special instructions for CellMix and DSA
install.packages("BiocInstaller", repos="")
system("R CMD INSTALL CellMix_1.6.2.tar.gz")
system("R CMD INSTALL DSA_1.0.tar.gz")

# Following packages come from Github
devtools::install_github("GfellerLab/EPIC", build_vignettes=TRUE) #requires knitr
devtools::install_bitbucket("yuanlab/dwls", ref="default")

Users interested in the generation of pseudo-bulk mixtures from scRNA-seq data can use the "Generator" function that is located inside helper_functions.R

References to other methods included in our benchmark:

While our work has a BSD (3-clause) license, you may need to obtain a license to use the individual normalization/deconvolution methods (e.g. CIBERSORT. The source code for CIBERSORT needs to be asked to the authors at

method ref
 OLS  Chambers, J., Hastie, T. & Pregibon, D. Statistical Models in S. in Compstat (eds. Momirović, K. & Mildner, V.) 317–321 (Physica-Verlag HD, 1990). doi:10.1007/978-3-642-50096-1_48
nnls Mullen, K. M. & van Stokkum, I. H. M. nnls: The Lawson-Hanson algorithm for non-negative least squares (NNLS). R package version 1.4.
FARDEEP Hao, Y., Yan, M., Lei, Y. L. & Xie, Y. Fast and Robust Deconvolution of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte from Expression Profiles using Least Trimmed Squares. bioRxiv 358366 (2018) doi:10.1101/358366
MASS: Robust linear regression (RLR) Ripley, B. et al. MASS: Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley’s MASS. (2002)
DeconRNASeq Gong, T. & Szustakowski, J. D. DeconRNASeq: a statistical framework for deconvolution of heterogeneous tissue samples based on mRNA-Seq data. Bioinforma. Oxf. Engl. 29, 1083–1085 (2013)
CellMix: DSA, ssKL, ssFrobenius Gaujoux, R. & Seoighe, C. CellMix: a comprehensive toolbox for gene expression deconvolution. Bioinformatics 29, 2211–2212 (2013)
DCQ Altboum, Z. et al. Digital cell quantification identifies global immune cell dynamics during influenza infection. Mol. Syst. Biol. 10, 720 (2014)
glmnet: lasso, ridge, elastic net Friedman, J., Hastie, T. & Tibshirani, R. Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent. J. Stat. Softw. 33, 1–22 (2010)
EPIC Racle, J., Jonge, K. de, Baumgaertner, P., Speiser, D. E. & Gfeller, D. Simultaneous enumeration of cancer and immune cell types from bulk tumor gene expression data. eLife 6, e26476 (2017)
dtangle Hunt, G. J., Freytag, S., Bahlo, M. & Gagnon-Bartsch, J. A. dtangle: accurate and robust cell type deconvolution. Bioinformatics 35, 2093–2099 (2019)
CIBERSORT Newman, A. M. et al. Robust enumeration of cell subsets from tissue expression profiles. Nat. Methods 12, 453–457 (2015)
-------- ----------
BisqueRNA Jew, B. et al. Accurate estimation of cell composition in bulk expression through robust integration of single-cell information. bioRxiv 669911 (2019) doi:10.1101/669911
deconvSeq Du, R., Carey, V. & Weiss, S. T. deconvSeq: deconvolution of cell mixture distribution in sequencing data. Bioinformatics doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz444
DWLS Tsoucas, D. et al. Accurate estimation of cell-type composition from gene expression data. Nat. Commun. 10, 1–9 (2019)
MuSiC Wang, X., Park, J., Susztak, K., Zhang, N. R. & Li, M. Bulk tissue cell type deconvolution with multi-subject single-cell expression reference. Nat. Commun. 10, 380 (2019)
SCDC Dong, M. et al. SCDC: Bulk Gene Expression Deconvolution by Multiple Single-Cell RNA Sequencing References. Briefings in Bioinformatics (2020), bbz166,
-------- ----------
SCTransform / regularized negative binomial regression (RNBR) Hafemeister, C. & Satija, R. Normalization and variance stabilization of single-cell RNA-seq data using regularized negative binomial regression. Genome Biology (2019) doi:10.1186/s13059-019-1874-1
Linnorm Yip, S. H., Wang, P., Kocher, J.-P. A., Sham, P. C. & Wang, J. Linnorm: improved statistical analysis for single cell RNA-seq expression data. Nucleic Acids Res. 45, e179–e179 (2017)
 scran L. Lun, A. T., Bach, K. & Marioni, J. C. Pooling across cells to normalize single-cell RNA sequencing data with many zero counts. Genome Biol. 17, 75 (2016)
scater McCarthy, D. J., Campbell, K. R., Lun, A. T. L. & Wills, Q. F. Scater: pre-processing, quality control, normalization and visualization of single-cell RNA-seq data in R. Bioinformatics 33, 1179–1186 (2017)
Quantile normalization (QN) Bolstad, B. M., Irizarry, R. A., Åstrand, M. & Speed, T. P. A comparison of normalization methods for high density oligonucleotide array data based on variance and bias. Bioinformatics 19, 185–193 (2003)
Upper quartile (UQ) Bullard, J. H., Purdom, E., Hansen, K. D. & Dudoit, S. Evaluation of statistical methods for normalization and differential expression in mRNA-Seq experiments. BMC Bioinformatics 11, 94 (2010)
Trimmed mean of M-values (TMM) Robinson, M. D. & Oshlack, A. A scaling normalization method for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data. Genome Biol. 11, R25 (2010)
Transcripts per million (TPM) Li, B., Ruotti, V., Stewart, R. M., Thomson, J. A. & Dewey, C. N. RNA-Seq gene expression estimation with read mapping uncertainty. Bioinformatics 26, 493–500 (2010)
LogNormalize  LogNormalize function (part of "Seurat"). R Documentation. ; Butler, A., Hoffman, P., Smibert, P. et al. Integrating single-cell transcriptomic data across different conditions, technologies, and species. Nat Biotechnol 36, 411–420 (2018) doi:10.1038/nbt.4096
Variance stabilization transformation (VST) & Median of ratios Anders, S. & Huber, W. Differential expression analysis for sequence count data. Genome Biol. 11, R106 (2010)


a) Folder structure:

├── example
│   ├── example.rds
│   └── example_phenoData.txt
├── baron
│   ├── sc_baron.rds
│   └── baron_phenoData.txt
├── GSE81547
│   ├── sc_GSE81547.rds
│   └── GSE81547_phenoData.txt

├── helper_functions.R
├── Master_deconvolution.R

b) Minimally the following (tab-separated) columns being part of the metadata: "cellID", "cellType", "sampleID". Optionally, other columns may be present (e.g. "gender","disease").

# For the baron dataset, it should look like:

		     cellID  cellType sampleID
human1_lib3.final_cell_0178     delta   human1
human1_lib2.final_cell_0498     delta   human1

c) Each single-cell RNA-seq input ("sc_input") dataset is a integer matrix containing gene names as rows and cellID as columns.

d) Make the following choices:

	i) a specific dataset (from "example","baron","GSE81547","E-MTAB-5061","PBMCs")
	ii) data transformation (from "none","log","sqrt","vst"); with "none" meaning linear scale
	iii) type of deconvolution method (from "bulk","sc")
		iii.1) For "bulk" methods:
			iii.1.1) choose normalization method among: "column","row","mean","column_z-score","global_z-score","column_min-max","global_min-max","LogNormalize","QN","TMM","UQ", "median_ratios", "TPM"
			iii.1.2) Marker selection strategy from "all", "pos_fc", "top_50p_logFC", "bottom_50p_logFC", "top_50p_AveExpr", "bottom_50p_AveExpr", "top_n2", "random5" (see main manuscript for more details).
			iii.1.3) choose deconvolution method among: "CIBERSORT","DeconRNASeq","OLS","nnls","FARDEEP","RLR","DCQ","elastic_net","lasso","ridge","EPIC","DSA","ssKL","ssFrobenius","dtangle".

		iii.2) For "sc" methods:
			iii.2.1) choose normalization method for both the reference matrix (scC) and the pseudo-bulk matrix (scT) among: "column","row","mean","column_z-score","global_z-score","column_min-max","global_min-max","LogNormalize","QN","TMM","UQ", "median_ratios", "TPM", "SCTransform","scran","scater","Linnorm" (last 4 are single-cell-specific)
			iii.2.2.) choose deconvolution method among: "MuSiC","BisqueRNA","DWLS","deconvSeq","SCDC"

	iv) Number of cells to be used to make the pseudo-bulk mixtures (multiple of 100)
	v) Cell type to be removed from the reference matrix ("none" for the full matrix; this is dataset dependent: e.g. "alpha" from baron dataset)
	vi) Number of available cores (by default 1, can be enlarged if more resources available)

R example calls

For bulk:

# With the example we provided with this repository + no cell type removed:
Rscript Master_deconvolution.R example none bulk TMM all nnls 100 none 1
	#Expected output:
	#        RMSE   Pearson
	#1     0.0351    0.9866

# With the example we provided with this repository + "cell_type_1" removed:
Rscript Master_deconvolution.R example none bulk TMM all nnls 100 cell_type_1 1
	#Expected output:
	#       RMSE   Pearson
	#1    0.1038    0.9379

# With baron (or GSE81547, E-MTAB-5061, PBMCs) + no cell type removed:
Rscript Master_deconvolution.R baron none bulk TMM all nnls 100 none 1
	#Expected output:
	#       RMSE   Pearson
	#1    0.0724    0.8961

# With baron + delta cells removed:
Rscript Master_deconvolution.R baron none bulk TMM all nnls 100 delta 1
	#Expected output:
	#        RMSE   Pearson
	#1     0.0887    0.8197

For single-cell:

# With the example we provided with this repository + no cell type removed::
Rscript Master_deconvolution.R example none sc TMM TMM MuSiC 100 none 1
	#Expected output:
	#        RMSE   Pearson
	#1     0.0351    0.9866

# With the example we provided with this repository + "cell_type_1" removed:
Rscript Master_deconvolution.R example none sc TMM TMM MuSiC 100 cell_type_1 1
	#Expected output:
	#       RMSE   Pearson
	#1    0.1044    0.9376

# With baron (or GSE81547, E-MTAB-5061, PBMCs) + no cell type removed:
Rscript Master_deconvolution.R baron none sc TMM TMM MuSiC 100 none 1
	#Expected output:
	#        RMSE   Pearson
	#1     0.0488     0.953

# With baron + delta cells removed:
Rscript Master_deconvolution.R baron none sc TMM TMM MuSiC 100 delta 1
	#Expected output:
	#        RMSE   Pearson
	#1      0.073    0.8799

sessionInfo() files Linux & macOS

Please see "sessionInfo_Linux.txt" and "sessionInfo_macOS.txt" in this repository.


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