Adventure Diary is a Mobile 3D Digital Board Local Multiplayer Serious Game, featuring the World Trip theme. It was produced from July 2016 to November 2016 at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi as a class project. On the game, you choose your avatars to take on an adventure through a Pop-up world inside a book where the board game is. Roll the dice, complete the tile's challenge to proceed. Whoever gets more points along the course wins! The purpose of the game was to improve social interaction between elderly people at the same time as giving knowledge about world culture. The first chapter on the demo is about Brazil.
The whole experience happens inside the book, where the pages have the board tiles. Each board tile is randomized on the beginning of each match. The whole game simulation is controlled by Chained Coroutines (beware, this is not advised as it might kill performance on mobile). It also features a few minigames: Puzzle, Memory Game, Button Soccer and a Quiz.
- Game Designer/2D Artist: Anderson Verissimo
- Game Developer: Joao Borks
- 3D Artist: Ronaldo Junior
- Sound Designer: Luiza Aguiar