Alpha build of this library. The API may change while working toward a stable release
Gizmo is a lightweight asynchronous Python 3.5+ Object Graph Mapper (O.G.M.) for the Tinkerpop Rexster graphs.
Gizmo starts and ends with Gremlin/Groovy. It is made up of entity, mapper, query, request, response, and other objects whose job is to convert pure Python to a Gremlin/Groovy string to be executed on a server.
import asyncio
from gizmo import Request, Vertex, Edge, Mapper, String
from gremlinpy import Gremlin
# setup the connection
req = Request('localhost', 8182)
gremlin = Gremlin('g') # this should be whatever your graph name is
mapper = Mapper(request=req, gremlin=gremlin)
# define a few entity classes
class User(Vertex):
name = String()
class Knows(Edge):
# create a few entities
mark = User({'name': 'mark'})
steve = User({'name': 'steve'})
knows = mapper.connect(mark, steve, Knows)
# Save your entities
async def example(): # saving the edge will save users if they needed
result = await mapper.send()
# entities have been updated with response data from the graph
print('mark: {}'.format(mark['id']))
print('steve: {}'.format(steve['id']))
print('knows: {}'.format(knows['id']))
# or write a custom query
async def custom():
g = Gremlin()
result = await mapper.query(gremlin=g)
print(result) # gizmo.mapper.Collection object
print(result[0]) # user object (because of the queries in prev example)
# do whatever Gremlin/Groovy allows you to do
async def random_java():
script = 'def x = new Date(); x'
r = await mapper.query(script=script)
print(r[0]['response'].value) # whatever x evaluates to
Test can be run via the setup file or directly with python -m
python test
python -m unittest gizmo.test.entity
python -m unittest gizmo.test.mapper
python -m unittest gizmo.test.integration.tinkerpop
If you're going to run the integration tests, right now, both the name of the graph and the port are hard-coded into the suite. Make sure your Gremlin and Titan server use these settings:
- graph: gizmo_testing
- port: 8182
- graph: gizmo_testing
- port: 9192