CovidData Dashboard - v2.0.0
New v2.0.0 release of the CovidData dashboard.
- New UI design
- New Covid open data APIs
- New versions of JS libraries (JQuery, Tabulator, JSpdf)
- General code optimization
World Overview : Reported daily and global cases, deaths and recovered by country, territory or conveyance.
World Vaccinations : Reported Vaccination Cases by Country, Territory, or Conveyance.
World Map : Covid-19 World map of actual active & critical cases
World Charts :
- Data charts of new and total cases.
- Data charts about the total and daily vaccinations in the world.
- Data chart about total Covid-19 test per continent.
Covid France :
- Cumulative & Actual French cases COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic.
- Reported French Cases by Counties and Regions.
News about Covid :
- Reported of some recent news posts or articles about the Covid-19.