Docker alpine image for CRON SQL dumps, encryption and restore.
Database engine: PostreSQL or MySQL
Encryption type: OpenSSL with Gunzip, or 7z alone
Backups are stored in the container in "/backups". There are 3 levels of backup, each of them stored in their respective directory "L#" (e.g.: /backups/L1).
- L1: Overwrite. No history is kept on this backup.
- L2: History backup. Old ones are deleted as and when new ones arrive.
- L3: History backup. Old ones are deleted as and when new ones arrive.
All of these backups have their own schedule using a CRON expression, and level 2 and 3 have their own maximum of backup files to keep.
For example, level 1 could be set to every half an hour, level 2 to every day with a max of 30 (1 month), and level 3 every month with a max of 36 (3 years).
File name pattern:
The L1 backup is simply called "backup" followed by the extension (or ".gz.enc" or "7z").
L2 and L3 backups begin by the date/time of the backup (YYYYMMDDHHMM), then the level, "backup" and the extension (e.g.: 201801122355.l2.backup.gz.enc for a level 2 backup made the 12 January 2018 at 23:55, and encrypted using openssl)
A template for the environment variables is included in this github folder "env.template". If a CRON time for a specific level is not specified, the backup will not be executed. The rest of the variables are mandatory.
- DB_BACKEND: Database engine to use. Choices are or "mysql" or "postgres".
- DB_HOST: Host of the database to reach.
- DB_USER: User of the database to reach.
- DB_PASSWORD: Password of the database to reach.
- ENC_TYPE: Encryption type to use. Choices are or "openssl" or "7z".
- ENC_PASS: Encryption pass to use.
- CRON_TIME_L1: CRON expression for the level 1 backups.
- CRON_TIME_L2: CRON expression for the level 2 backups.
- MAX_BACKUPS_L2: Maximum number of level 2 backups to keep.
- CRON_TIME_L3: CRON expression for the level 3 backups.
- MAX_BACKUPS_L3: Maximum number of level 3 backups to keep.
Three main functionalities are available. The corresponding scripts are located in "/backncrypt" as is the work directory.
This script is coming from eficode and is used to wait for another service to become available.
It is sh and alpine compatible and was inspired by vishnubob/wait-for-it.
./wait-for host:port [-t timeout] [-- command args]
This script will use the environment variables provided to create the cron jobs and activate them.
The restore script use the same settings as above: the encryption type, password, database settings should be the same.
It can be used through the host as follow:
docker exec {{container_name}} ./ {{backup_file}}
And replace {{container_name}} with the name of the backNcrypt container running, and {{backup_file}} by the path in the container of the encrypted backup you want to restore.
Example using MySQL and OpenSSL. More examples can be found in the folder "tests" of the github repository.
image: elavaud/backncrypt
env_file: .bnc.env
- ./backups:/backups
command: "./wait-for -t 5000 mysql:3306 -- ./"
image: mysql
- "3306"
env_file: .mysql.env
CRON_TIME_L1=*/30 * * * *
CRON_TIME_L2=55 23 * * *
CRON_TIME_L3=0 0 1 * *