This is a LuaLaTeX style file for creating Japanese New Year greeting postcards - Nengajo.
Have Hiragino Mincho Pro font on your computer (or you can try other fonts).
Save the following as nenga.tex
% Sender's information
\senderaddressb{大阪城1−1} % hyphens should be full-width for correct vertical text layout
{織田&信長&殿\\&濃姫&様} % skipping family name for wife
Execute in shell:
latexmk -lualatex -auxdir=Output nenga.tex
Expected output of nenga.pdf:
By default, the style includes the background of the postcard address side for debugging. For printing, pass the release flag to the class declaration:
Differences from
- Uses LuaLaTeX because I don't like pLaTeX
- Can be used with arbitrary ttf/otf fonts (see
texdoc luatexja
, section 3.3 for presets) - Should be more easily editable/customizable
- Support families instead of single sender or reciever (using table syntax, thanks once more for