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Application Properties

Severin Kohler edited this page Jun 1, 2022 · 14 revisions

The FHIR Bridge is built on top of several frameworks including Spring Boot, HAPI FHIR and Open eHealth Integration Platform. As a result, the application uses or allows to configure some the application properties supported by those frameworks.

FHIR Bridge

CORS Properties

Key Default Value Description
fhir-bridge.cors.allow-credential false Whether credentials are supported.
fhir-bridge.cors.allowed-headers '*' Comma-separated list of headers to allow in a request. Default all.
fhir-bridge.cors.allowed-methods '*' Comma-separated list of methods to allow. Default all.
fhir-bridge.cors.allowed-origins '*' Comma-separated list of origins to allow. Default all.

Debug Properties

Key Default Value Description
fhir-bridge.debug.enabled false Enable debug.
fhir-bridge.debug.mapping-output-directory ${}/mappings Location of the output mapping file.

mode Properties

Key Default Value Description
fhir-bridge.mode openehr How composition should be send either directly to an openEHR platform or via ITI41 mode: openehr, xds. If xds is used only ITI41 properties need to be define same goes for openehr mode.

ITI41 properties

Key Default Value Description
fhir-bridge.xds.hostname localhost Base url of the xds instance
fhir-bridge.xds.port 9999 port of the xds endpoint
fhir-bridge.cors.context-path /ihe-mock-server/services/iti41 context of the iti41 service

openEHR Properties

Key Default Value Description
fhir-bridge.openehr.base-url http://localhost:8080/ehrbase/rest/openehr/v1/ Base URL of the openehr instance. basic The authentication type of the openehr instance: none, basic, oauth2 Client Id assigned to the FHIR Bridge. Client secret assigned to the FHIR Bridge. Token endpoint url to request an access token. myuser Login user of openehr. myPassword432 Login password of openehr. myadmin Login admin user of openehr. mySuperAwesomePassword123 Login admin password of openehr.
fhir-bridge.openehr.template.prefix classpath:/opt/ Location of the openEHR templates
fhir-bridge.openehr.template.force-update false Wether existing templates have to be updated during application startup.
This requires to have the Admin API enabled on openehr.

FHIR Properties

Key Default Value Description
fhir-bridge.fhir.jpa.allow-external-references true Specify wether resources may have references to external servers.
fhir-bridge.fhir.jpa.allow-inline-match-url-references true Specify wether references containing match URLs be resolved and replaced in create and update operations. true Specify wether a placeholder resource will be created when a resource has a reference to another local resource that does not exist.
fhir-bridge.fhir.jpa.populate-identifier-in-auto-created-placeholder-references true Specify wether the identifier will be copied to the target resource if the source reference has an identifier populated.
fhir-bridge.fhir.validation.any-extensions-allowed true Wether extensions which are not known will pass the validation.
fhir-bridge.fhir.validation.error-for-unknown-profiles false Wether profiles which are not known will fail the validation.
fhir-bridge.fhir.validation.failed-on-severity error Specify the severity at which an issue detected by the validator will fail the request.
fhir-bridge.fhir.validation.terminology. none Terminology validation mode: internal, remote, mixed, none
fhir-bridge.fhir.validation.terminology.server-base-url Base URL of the server used for the terminology validation.

HTTP Client Properties

Key Default Value Description
fhir-bridge.http-client.ssl.enabled false Whether to enable Two-Way SSL support.
fhir-bridge.http-client.ssl.key-password Password used to access the key in the key store.
fhir-bridge.http-client.ssl.key-store Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate.
fhir-bridge.http-client.ssl.key-store-password Password used to access the key store.
fhir-bridge.http-client.ssl.key-store-type Type of the key store. Trust store that holds SSL certificates. Password used to access the trust store. Type of the trust store.

Security Properties

Key Default Value Description none The authentication type: none, basic, oauth2 Password for the default user. Default username when basic is enabled. JSON Web Key URI to use to verify the JWT token. RS256 JSON Web Algorithm used for verifying the digital signatures.

Spring Boot

The complete documentation regarding the application properties available in Spring Boot is available on the official website.

Core Properties

Key Default Value Description Location of the log file.
logging.file.path Log file name. Names can be an exact location or relative to the current directory.* Log groups to quickly change multiple loggers at the same time.
logging.level.* Log levels severity mapping.
logging.logback.rollingpolicy.max-file-size 10MB Maximum log file size.
logging.logback.rollingpolicy.max-history 7 Maximum number of days archive log files are kept. 0B Total size of log backups to be kept. FHIR Bridge App Application name.

Data Properties

Key Default Value Description
spring.datasource.password Login password of the database.
spring.datasource.url JDBC URL of the database.
spring.datasource.username Login username of the database.* Additional native properties to set on the JPA provider.

Server Properties

Key Default Value Description
server.port 8888 Server HTTP port.
server.servlet.context-path /fhir-bridge Context path of the application.

Open eHealth Integration Platform

Audit Properties

Key Default Value Description
ipf.atna.audit-enabled true Whether auditing is enabled.
ipf.atna.audit-repository-host localhost Host of the ATNA repository to send the events to.
ipf.atna.audit-repository-port 3001 Port of the ATNA repository to send the events to.
ipf.atna.audit-source-id ${} Source ID for ATNA events.
ipf.atna.audit-value-if-missing UNKNOWN Value used for mandatory audit attributes that are not set.
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