The Kwatta monkey (Ateles Paniscus) is also known under the names of the black swinging-monkey, red-faced spider-monkey or the even under the name 'jungle-devil' (bosduivel). The name also refers to the Kwatta province in the country of Suriname. Kwatta monkeys live mainly in the Guiana region of South-America in the countries Guiana, Suriname, France-Guiana and Brasil.
Kwatta's live in groups of about 30 individuals in the high canopy of the rainforest. In the evening, when they tuck in for the night they tend to make a lot of noise by making high-pitched screeching screams. The kept me awake for many a night when I lived as a boy in that region.
For more information, see: spider-monkey on wikipedia
This program is named Kwatta as a short for (KwaliTy Test Api) program. To programmers the protests of a professional tester is somewhat like the screeching of the spider-monkey. After having accomplished a difficult task in programming, the programmer sits back in humble satisfaction. But his/her peace gets quickly disturbed by the noises of the testers who gets busy in the aftermath of the programming day......