Clean Architecture Project Creator
This is a C# program that creates a clean architecture project structure. It allows you to specify the project's name, location, and additional features like external services and UI types.
To get started with this program, follow the instructions below:
Make sure you have .NET Core installed on your system.
Clone this repository or download the C# code.
Open a command prompt or terminal.
Navigate to the directory where the C# code is located.
Run the program using the following command:
dotnet run -np <PATH> <PROJECT_NAME> [-es] [-ui <UI_TYPE>]
with the path where you want to create the project,<PROJECT_NAME>
with the desired project name,-es
to add external services (optional), and-ui <UI_TYPE>
to add a UI project (optional). Valid UI types include grpc, webapi, webapp, mvc, console, angular, and react.
Here are some examples of how to use the program:
Create a clean architecture project without external services or UI:
dotnet run -np /path/to/project MyProject
Create a clean architecture project with external services:
dotnet run -np /path/to/project MyProject -es
Create a clean architecture project with a Web API UI:
dotnet run -np /path/to/project MyProject -ui webapi
Create a clean architecture project with a React UI and external services:
dotnet run -np /path/to/project MyProject -es -ui react
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.