hugo arogya theme is bloging site in hugo
You are free to modify, save, share, use or do whatever you want with it:
1. Clone this theme [repo](
2. After succesfully clone go to the theme/examplesite
3. Run the following command
- hugo server -D --themesDir "../.."
1. Set up your hugo project
2. go to themes directory and inside theme directory clone this [repo](
3. Go to the example site folder and cut all the folders and paste it on the root of your project directory
4. set theme name in your config.toml file
5. run the following command for run the project
- hugo server -D
- Create smtp detail for mailing from SMTP
- Generate your secure Token from site
- Set the newly generated token in config.toml file
- Set your fromMail email address in config.toml file
- Set your bccMail email address in config.toml file
- Multilangauge Supported
- Google analytics supported
- Contact form Supported with Email features
- Responsive layout
- Design with Atomic Layout
- Image Prosessing
- Support Bootstra3