A Java program to allow video playback on the command line.
A demonstration can be found here. (Note that this isn't Monolizer but Mono, another project I'm working on)
An older demonstration without instant video playback can be found here.
- Colored video output
- Instant video playback
- Full pixel video support
- Floyd-Steinberg grayscale dithering
- Auto resizing terminal window
- Pausing a video without audio doesn't work
Space: Play/pause
C - Toggle colours
D - Toggle grayscale dithering
F - Toggle full pixel
Q - Quit
Hollow Hunger - Ironmouse @ 1:05 with dithering enabled
Hollow Hunger - Ironmouse @ 1:05 with dithering disabled
Telecaster b boy (long ver.) - Kanata Amane @ 0:26 with full pixel and color enabled
java -jar monolizer.jar
git clone https://github.com/dynmie/monolizer-java.git
.\gradlew.bat jar
GNU Linux:
chmod +x ./gradlew
./gradlew jar
You can find the output jar at build/libs