_ _ _ _ _
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Zsh Ultimate Programmer's Extensions Refurbished
Zuper is a minimalist library of extensions for Zsh programming, because believe it or not Zsh is so slick and powerful that it can be used as a programming language.
- key/value store on files mapped to associative arrays
- consul k/v integration using native get/set over ztcp
- nifty messaging using colors and intl support (gettext)
- procedural flow debugging functions and variable monitor
- clean exit and destructors registration
- improved temp file handling
- more to come...
Zuper requires the following programs to be installed:
zsh curl sed awk hexdump
Documentation is still lacking, however to use Zuper in Zsh scripts
one must first source its main library zuper
, then declare global
variables and arrays, then source zuper.init
and at the end of the
program call endgame
for a clean exit. Example test program:
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# switch on debugging output
# switch logging into test.log
##### INIT
# load our zuper library
source zuper
# declare a custom global variable
# assign a default value to our global variable
# declare a global associative map
# conclude the init phase
source zuper.init
# register the zdump debug function to be executed on exit
# declare a custom function to print it out
testfun() {
# register the function in the debug flow
fn "testfun"
# print out with nice green colors
notice "Custom var: $myvar"
# create a tempfile
ztmp && mytmp=$ztmpfile
# put the value into the tempfile
print $myvar >> $mytmp
# print out the path to the tempfile
act "Temp file: $mytmp"
# print out the contents of the tempfile
act "Content: `cat $mytmp`"
# the tempfile will be deleted in endgame()
# but can also be delete earlier here, optionally
# call our custom function
# we use words and their md5
lorem f737a087bca81f69a6048ec744c73e41
ipsum 02063b9bf9d6e15ad61226fa4584aae0
dolor 5f20730ddc7a1fedbf265358f0ce4f26
# save the map into a file
zkv.save mymap test.map
# free the map
# re-declare the map
typeset -A mymap
# re-load saved contents
zkv.load test.map
# dump contents
for i in ${(k)mymap}; do
print "$i \t ${mymap[$i]}"
# end of the program (will call destructors)
Here we reference applications where zuper is used succesfully:
- Devuan Simple Development Toolkit https://git.devuan.org/groups/sdk
- Dowse IoT awareness OS http://dyne.org/software/dowse
- Jaro Mail terminal email http://dyne.org/software/jaro-mail
If you use it, let us know! http://dyne.org/contact
Zuper is designed, developed and maintained by Denis Roio jaromil@dyne.org
Zuper is Copyright (C) 2015 by the Dyne.org foundation
This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the GNU Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with this source code; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.