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Releases: dwysocki/hidden-markov-music

Command Line Interface

01 May 01:46
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I have implemented a moderately clean and generalized command line interface for performing all necessary operations on the HMM.

Baum Welch Implemented

06 Apr 05:43
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I have implemented the Baum Welch algorithm in its logarithmic form, and written unit tests which:

  • confirm that the updated models are stochastic
  • confirm the results agree with a hand-worked example found online

Now I can begin training models to my heart's desire.

Logarithmic Forward, Backward and Viterbi Algorithms

06 Apr 01:46
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The basic functions for utilizing HMMs using logarithmic probabilities have been implemented, along with a LogHMM record type.

These functions all require a pre-constructed HMM, and have been tested on textbook examples.

Random Walk Sampler

17 Mar 21:37
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Random Walk Sampler Pre-release

I have implemented two random walk sample functions, sample-states and sample-emissions. Each take an HMM, and produce an infinite lazy seq of either states or emissions, by taking a random walk through the HMM, where each step is selected by a weighted RNG, based on the probabilities encoded in the HMM.

Forward, Backward and Viterbi Algorithms

15 Mar 21:37
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The basic functions for utilizing HMMs have been implemented, along with an HMM record type.

These functions all require a pre-constructed HMM, and have been tested on textbook examples.