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1. Overview

Development setup for ResultPress.

2. Requirements

Requirements are best determined using Server Requirements page of corresponding Laravel 7 version Currently used version is 7.10.3

  • PHP version 7.3.*

  • BCMath PHP Extension

  • Ctype PHP Extension

  • Fileinfo PHP extension

  • JSON PHP Extension

  • Mbstring PHP Extension

  • OpenSSL PHP Extension

  • PDO PHP Extension

  • Tokenizer PHP Extension

  • XML PHP Extension

  • SSH access to the server

  • Composer

3. Installation

  • Make sure that composer is installed globally or install it in place

  • Clone the repository

  • Move into the directory. Move into the /systemconfig folder.

  • Make sure that /systemconfig/resultpress.ini file is present and configured with the configuration details for your requirements and for the server (copy resultpress.ini.example to .ini and fill in with your data)

      app_env=local                           ; Make sure this is set to local NOTE! For production enviroment the settings should be set to: app_env=production and app_debug=false.
      app_debug=true                          ; Make sure this is set to true
      app_url=http://localhost                ; Set this to localhost or your domain
      authorization_parameter=entitlement     ; The authorization parameter NOTE! Not used for dev enviroments
      authorization=                          ; Authorization entitlements NOTE! Not used for dev enviroments
      login_route=/login                      ; The SSO login route for your application (The production server should be set ut with this route) 
      db=mysql                                ; Here you can specify which database you use: mysql, sqlite, pgsql, sqlsrv or redis 
      db_host=                       ; DB host address
      db_port=3306                            ; DB port
      db_database=                            ; Database used     
      db_username=                            ; DB user
      db_password=                            ; secret
      [oauth2]                                ; Here you add the registered providers client id, client secrets and callback URI:s
  • Once the global settings are entered you can install the dependencies. composer install

  • Make sure that .env file is present (copy .env.example to .env).

  • Either create application key manually or do that with a command php artisan key:generate

  • Make sure the subdirectories bootstrap/cache and /storage is writable by your web server user.

  • If you need to change the email configuration. Open the .env file and set the needed values

  • Create the database and seed the default permissions and roles with php artisan migrate --seed (this should create database tables needed and populate necessary user permissions)

  • First time installation: run Admin seeder for creating an Administrator account: php artisan db:seed --class=CreateAdminUserSeeder this will make the default user account an Administrator (this should be removed in production)

###Database structure Database