Elixir client for the XTB trading platform.
Library provides simple client written as GenServer
intended to be started as a process to communicate with XTB server.
As all regular OTP processes, the process for XtbClient.Connection
could be supervised, registered locally or in distributed environment, monitored, traced, linked to other processes etc.
The package can be installed by adding xtb_client_ex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:xtb_client_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}
Find more examples in the folder examples/
params = [
connection: %{
app_name: "XtbClient",
type: :demo,
url: "wss://ws.xtb.com",
user: username,
password: password}
{:ok, pid} = XtbClient.Connection.start_link(params)
params = [
connection: %{
app_name: "XtbClient",
type: :demo,
url: "wss://ws.xtb.com",
user: username,
password: password}
{:ok, cpid} = XtbClient.Connection.start_link(params)
args = %{symbol: "LITECOIN"}
query = XtbClient.Messages.Quotations.Query.new(args)
{:ok, litecoin} = StreamListener.start_link(%{"name" => args.symbol})
XtbClient.Connection.subscribe_get_tick_prices(cpid, litecoin, query)
Listener handle info: {:ok,
ask: 131.45,
ask_volume: 250,
bid: 130.46,
bid_volume: 250,
exe_mode: nil,
high: 132.38,
level: 3,
low: 127.94,
quote_id: :five,
spread_raw: 0.99,
spread_table: 0.99,
symbol: "LITECOIN",
timestamp: ~U[2022-03-28 21:31:21.126Z]
Listener handle info: {:ok,
ask: 131.54,
ask_volume: 500,
bid: 130.39,
bid_volume: 500,
exe_mode: nil,
high: 132.38,
level: 4,
low: 127.94,
quote_id: :five,
spread_raw: 1.15,
spread_table: 1.15,
symbol: "LITECOIN",
timestamp: ~U[2022-03-28 21:31:21.126Z]
params = [
connection: %{
app_name: "XtbClient",
type: :demo,
url: "wss://ws.xtb.com",
user: username,
password: password}
{:ok, cpid} = XtbClient.Connection.start_link(params)
args = "LITECOIN"
query = XtbClient.Messages.Candles.Query.new(args)
{:ok, litecoin} = StreamListener.start_link(%{"name" => args})
XtbClient.Connection.subscribe_get_candles(cpid, litecoin, query)
Listener handle info: {:ok,
close: 130.69,
ctm: ~U[2022-03-28 21:29:00.000Z],
ctm_string: "Mar 28, 2022, 11:29:00 PM",
high: 130.7,
low: 130.63,
open: 130.64,
quote_id: :five,
symbol: "LITECOIN",
vol: 257.0
Listener handle info: {:ok,
close: 130.65,
ctm: ~U[2022-03-28 21:30:00.000Z],
ctm_string: "Mar 28, 2022, 11:30:00 PM",
high: 130.7,
low: 130.64,
open: 130.68,
quote_id: :five,
symbol: "LITECOIN",
vol: 216.0