This is the Python implementation of the cMonkey algorithm based on the original R implementation by David Reiss, Institute for Systems Biology
- Developed and tested with Python 2.7.2
- scipy >= 0.9.0
- numpy >= 1.6.0
- MySQLdb >= 1.2.3
- BeautifulSoup >= 3.2.0
- R >= 2.14.1
- rpy2 >= 2.2.1
- MEME 4.3.0 or >= 4.8.1
- csh (for running MEME) for the human setup, Weeder 1.4.2 is needed
for running the monitoring application (optional):
- CherryPy 3
- Jinja2
- python-routes
In general, you should be able to run cmonkey-python on microbial gene expressions with
./ --organism <organism-code> --ratios <tab separated file of gene expressions>
The file can be either in your file system or a web URL.
After the program was started, a log file will be written in cmonkey.log. You can see all available options with
./ --help
There is a startup script for cMonkey to run the current integrated system
./ --organism hal --ratios example_data/hal/halo_ratios5.tsv
python cmviewer/