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Setting up

A database needs to be prepared, and all required dependencies need to be installed, before the project can be successfully run.

Inside pgAdmin

First, create a user with the following credentials and permissions:

  • Username familyplanner
  • Password familyplanner
  • Able to login

Then, create a database called familyplanner, owned by the user created previously (also called familyplanner).

Execute the following SQL to create database table for NLog, change the owner to familyplanner

    Id serial primary key,
    Application character varying(100) NULL,
    Logged text,
    Level character varying(100) NULL,
    Message character varying(8000) NULL,
    Logger character varying(8000) NULL, 
    Callsite character varying(8000) NULL, 
    Exception character varying(8000) NULL

Inside the root directory

dotnet tool restore
npm install

Inside the backend/ directory

dotnet restore
dotnet ef database update
dotnet user-secrets set "ImgBB_API_Key" "YOUR API KEY"
dotnet user-secrets set "JWT_Secret" "YOUR SECRET"
dotnet user-secrets set "SendGrid_API_Key" "YOUR API KEY"
dotnet user-secrets set "SendGrid_Email" "Sender Email Address"
dotnet user-secrets set "OpenAI_API_Key" "YOUR API KEY" 
dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings_DefaultConnection" "Host=localhost; Port=5432; Database=familyplanner; Username=familyplanner; Password=familyplanner"
dotnet user-secrets set "JWT_AppName" "AppName"
dotnet user-secrets set "JWT_Issuer" "Issuer"
dotnet user-secrets set "JWT_Audience" "Audience"
dotnet user-secrets set "JWT_RefreshTokenName" "RefreshTokenName"

Inside the backend.Tests

dotnet user-secrets set "ImgBB_API_Key" "YOUR API KEY"
dotnet user-secrets set "DB_CONNECTION_STRING" "Host=localhost; Port=5432; Database=familyplanner; Username=familyplanner; Password=familyplanner; <other setting such as SSL>"

Inside the frontend/ directory

create a .env file by referring to .env.template

npm install

Running the project

To run the project locally, the backend and frontend should be started separately.

Inside the backend/ directory

dotnet watch run

Inside the frontend/ directory

npm start

During Development

After changing any Models/Data

Add and Update migrations

dotnet ef migrations add <YOUR MIGRATION NAME HERE>
dotnet ef database update

Production Setup

Environmemnt Variables

This project requires the following environment variables to be set in the production environment:

Database Configuration

  • ConnectionStrings_DefaultConnection : connection strings to the database Example: Host=<host>; Port=<port>; Database=<database name>; Username=<database usename>; Password=<passowrd>

API Keys

  • SendGrid_Email : sender email address for sending email to users
  • SendGrid_API_Key : API Key for using SendGrid
  • OpenAI_API_Key : API Key for using OpenAI
  • ImgBB_API_Key : API Key for using ImgBB
  • JWT_Issuer : JWT Issuer Example: http://localhost:5107
  • JWT_Audience: JWT Audience Example: http://localhost:3000
  • JWT_AppName: JWT AppName Example: FamilyMealPlanner
  • JWT_RefreshTokenName: JWT Refresh Token Name Example: FMPToken
  • JWT_Secret: JWT Secret Example: dummy-jwt-secret-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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