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Research to track segmented 3d images of protein clusters.

2019 CVPR. Multi-Object Portion Tracking in 4D Fluorescence Microscopy Imagery with Deep Feature Maps. Paper link:

Results on Synthetic Sprites Dataset

Raw Sprites Dataset Labeled Sprites Dataset
raw_sprites labeled_sprites

Not a perfect demostration as annotated datasets with many to one or one to many tracking are non-existent. Full video in ./data

Feature Embeddings Clustering

Protein Dataset 2D Distribution Protein Dataset Clustering
Plot Plot

In the left image we see the 2D mapping of the feature embeddings. In the right image we see each cluster labled by DBSCAN. The cluster classes have sizes:

Class Labels Cluster Sizes
0 16773
1 994
2 2472
3 281

Total feature embeddings: 10260

Set Up Enviroment

To set up python3 virtual env.

/cell_tracking$ python3 -m venv env
/cell_tracking$ source env/bin/activate
/cell_tracking$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt 

Generate Usable Data

This requires the original segmentation results data, from the 2019 CVPR Multi-Object Portion Tracking in 4D Fluorescence Microscopy Imagery with Deep Feature Maps paper.

/cell_tracking$ python3 --h

Running this will generate a numpy dataset from the raw *.nii files. Will save in /data folder. This is used by the tracker.

Run Tracker

/cell_tracking/src/python$ python3 --task train 

/cell_tracking/src/python$ python3 --task predict 

This will run tracking on the dataset and store the results in data/ as json files.

labled_tracks.pickle: Contains a python dict that holds the tracking results

tracks_frame.json: Json file where the key is the frame number and the value is a list of every track in that frame.

tracks_pretty.json: Json file where the key is the cluster id and the value is a list of all the frames that it appears in.

Tracking Results

Plot Plot

Visualize Results

Run the Matlab script graph_results.m to label the 3D figs with the tracked ID's. This uses the json tracking result files.

Copy labled .fig results to cell_tracking_research/data/labled_frames

/cell_tracking_research$ cp ./data/raw_data/Segmentation_and_result/*/*_tracked.fig ./data/labled_frames/

Run demo.m or open demo.fig in /data to see tracking results, slide the slider the change frames.


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