An open source web-app to help you implement the Pomodoro Technique in your daily work routine. With an easy-to-use interface, you can set your work and break intervals and get started with your Pomodoro sessions in no time. It also comes with a timer that will alert you when it's time to take a break or start a new Pomodoro session, so you can stay on track and achieve your goals.
The web app is deployed to
This web app is built with MEVN stack technologies.
It contains a client template(VueJS) connected to a mongodb via an API layer written in nodejs & expressjs.
cd client
npm install
npm run dev
cd server
npm install
cp .env.example .env
pro_focus_jwtKey="" // a random string to be used for creating jwt token
db_password="" // you database password
app_email="" // an email address to be used to send email to the user
app_email_password="" // the email password
NODE_ENV="" // node environment
PORT="" // port for the app to run on in dev enviroment
app_domain_name="" // the server IP address or the url of the api where it's depoyed
node index.js