Game Rock Paper Scissors
Acceptance Criteria: -- Umano vs Computer -- Computer vs Computer -- Nuova partita conclusa quella precedente
/--- Rules and weapons ----/ -- The players may start by counting to three aloud, or by speaking the name of the game (e.g. "Rock! Paper! Scissors!") -- They then "throw" or "shoot" by extending their selected sign towards their opponent; -- rock crushes scissors; -- paper covers rock; -- scissors cuts paper; -- three possible outcomes: a draw, a win or a loss; -- If both players choose the same shape, the game is tied and is usually replayed to break the tie;
/--- To do ---/
/* First version: 'User vs computer' */
- Create a list of the weapons for the computer;
- Function to raffle a random weapon;
- 3 Buttons for the User choose a weapon;
- When the user clicks on the button weapon, the computer choose a random weapon;
- Create a function to compairs who wins;
- Show in the screen the results;
- Make a score to user and to the computer
/* Second version: 'Computer vs computer' */
- Function to raffle two random weapons;
- Compairs the weapons and show the results;
- Make a score to computer A e computer B;
/* Next updates /*
- Restructure the function PlayGame to encompass both modalities 'User Vs Computer' and 'Computer Vs Computer';