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Abdelrahman Elkady edited this page Mar 31, 2016 · 4 revisions

This section includes two main sub-sections, one is for deploying the app on a new Ubuntu machine 'deployment from scratch', and the other one is for deploying a new release on production

As indicated above, this guide assumes that your server runs Ubuntu 14.04, you can modify the steps to match your distro .

This guide follows the latest deployment approach that we are using and should be updated whenever we are using a new strategy .

It's assumed that you have root privileges on the server

The current strategy :

Bundling the app using meteor build and running as a node app

Deployment from scratch :

  • Boot up your machine and update your packages

    $ apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
  • Install build-essentials

    $ apt-get install build-essentials
  • Install mongodb

    $ apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927
    $ echo "deb trusty/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.2.list
    $ apt-get update
    $ apt-get install -y mongodb-org
    $ service mongod start
  • Install node (Here we are using NVM)

    $ curl -o- | bash

    reset your terminal or source your .bashrc

    We are going to install node 0.10.40, that's pretty old, but it's due to dependency problems here and there

    $ nvm install 0.10.40
    $ nvm use 0.10.40
    $ nvm alias default 0.10.40
  • We will use forever to monitor and keep our node app running

    $ npm install -g forever
  • Prepare the,, scripts which can be found in the repo under bash-scripts/

    • runs your node app and sets the proper env variables
    • runs your with forever
    • stops your nodeapp and forever tasks
    • Make your scripts executable $ chmod +x
  • Install Nginx as we will use it as a reverse proxy

    $ apt-get install nginx
    • Create your nginx config file under /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
    • Restart nginx service service nginx restart

Deploy a new release on the server :

  • Go to your Local Machine and run meteor build . to create the tarball containing the package

    We are avoiding creating the bundle on the server because of it's high resources usage, however you can install and run meteor on the server

  • Remove the old bundle directory

  • Copy your tarball to the server, you can do this using scp but that would be super slow

    $ scp local/path/to/tarball server:~/

    Instead you can upload the file to Google Drive into a public folder

    • Grab the sharable link

    • Visit it in a window that doesn't have an active session of your Google account (Incognito for example)

    • Click download and copy the download link

    • On the server download the file using wget for example

      $ wget
    • Rename the downloaded link to a tarball and unpack it

      $ mv downloaded-file-name something.tar.gz
      $ tar -xzvf something.tar.gz
  • cd into the bundle directory and install modules

    $ cd ~/bundle/programs/server
    $ npm install
    $ cd ~/bundle
  • If forever didn't watch the change, you may want to restart it manually by running and