A micro web service that hosts the minimum scale of a social network.
The project provides a set of basic application programming interfaces (API) required and a simple dashboard for admin. By hosting this server and creating your own front end interface (e.g., mobile and webview), you are able to introduce and onboard your application.
- Users are able to set up their personal properties including name, location and avatar.
- Users can publish a post to one of the boards defined by the admin.
- Comments on the posts are supported.
- Messaging system is ready and users are allowed to modify the name and avatar of the chatroom.
Step | Content |
#1 | Install JRE 8+ |
#2 | Download zipped JAR and config files from release |
#3 | $ java -jar social-light.jar port.http=[PORT] admin.token=[TOKEN] to start the server |
#4 | Check http://[IP]:[PORT]/admin?token=[TOKEN] for the admin dashboard |
#5 | Use API under http://[IP]:[PORT]/api/v1/... to develop your own application |
Name | Description | Version |
Jooby | modular web framework | 2.6.1 |
Semantic UI | UI framework designed for theming | 2.4.1 |
JaCoCo | code coverage library | 0.8.5 |
Tabler Icons | high-quality svg icons | 1.4.0 |
Falcon | open-source SQL client for Windows and Mac | 2.2 |
Step | Content |
#1 | Clone the source from Github |
#2 | Install and setup Gradle |
#3 | $ gradlew.bat shadowJar to build the fat JAR |
#4 | Find the built JAR at build/libs |
Specify some server settings in conf/application.conf |
For https SSL, https://www.sslforfree.com/ is one of the solutions. Replace the dummy files in conf/ |
is the only database file for the project. Production and testing share the same environment. Feel free the drop the tables and reset the data with the SQL scripts.
Filename | Usage |
sql/CreateTables.sql | Create the required tables for the application |
sql/InitRecords.sql | Initialize and generate some test data for the application |
Step | Content |
#1 | Clone the source from Github |
#2 | Install and setup Gradle |
#3 | $ gradlew.bat test to run the tests |
#4 | $ gradlew.bat jacocoTestReport to evaluate the coverage |
#5 | Open build/reports/tests/test/index.html to view the test results |
#6 | Open build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html to view the test coverage |
Note that running the tests would RESET the database by default. Backup the sqlite db file (a.k.a., simply copy sqlite3.db
and paste the file to another place) if the data is preferred to be kept.
- Documentation for tables and API
- How to build project
- How to reset and migrate the database
- How to run tests and reports
- Introdution of SSL setup for https connection
- Interactive demo with a simple front end application
Table Schema - Sqlite3
Table | Field | Type | Note |
users | id | INTEGER | PRIMARY KEY |
account | VARCHAR(255) | ||
password | VARCHAR(255) | ||
name | VARCHAR(255) | ||
type | VARCHAR(255) | ||
location | VARCHAR(255) | ||
motto | VARCHAR(255) | ||
intro | VARCHAR(2047) | ||
url_avatar | VARCHAR(255) | ||
boards | id | INTEGER | PRIMARY KEY |
name | VARCHAR(255) | ||
posts | id | INTEGER | PRIMARY KEY |
id_user | INTEGER | ||
id_board | INTEGER | ||
title | VARCHAR(255) | ||
content | VARCHAR(2047) | ||
url_avatar | VARCHAR(255) | ||
comments | id | INTEGER | PRIMARY KEY |
id_user | INTEGER | ||
id_post | INTEGER | ||
content | VARCHAR(2047) | ||
chatrooms | id | INTEGER | PRIMARY KEY |
id_user | INTEGER | ||
id_user_target | INTEGER | ||
name | VARCHAR(255) | ||
url_avatar | VARCHAR(255) | ||
messages | id | INTEGER | PRIMARY KEY |
id_chatroom | INTEGER | ||
status | INTEGER | NEW=0 READ=1 OUT=2 | |
content | VARCHAR(255) | ||
URL 前綴 | 版本 | 最後修改日期 |
[DOMAIN]/api/v1 | Version 1 | 2020 April 19th |
1 - Login
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/login | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
account | String | 使用者帳號 | v |
password | String | 使用者密碼 | v |
範例-{"account":"hello", "password":"wor1d"}
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為登入成功,「-1」為密碼錯誤,「-2」為帳號不存在 |
token | String | code 為零時存在,獨一無二的權限識別碼,用於後續溝通時的權限管控 |
id | Integer | code 為零時存在,代表該使用者的 ID |
範例-{"code":0, "token":"mqspoq4fc", "id":202}
或是 {"code":-1}
2 - Get User Information
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/user | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
id | Integer | 查詢對象的使用者 ID | v |
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為查詢成功,「-1」為查無使用者 |
account | String | code 為零時存在,即對象使用者帳號 |
name | String | code 為零時存在,即對象使用者暱稱 |
type | String | code 為零時存在,即對象使用者類別 |
location | String | code 為零時存在,即對象使用者所在縣市 |
motto | String | code 為零時存在,即對象使用者的座右銘 |
intro | String | code 為零時存在,即對象使用者的自介 |
url_avatar | String | code 為零時存在,即對象使用者的頭像圖片網址 |
範例-{"code":0, "account":"temp", "name":"暱稱", ..., "url_avatar":"https://imgur/user.png"}
3 - Update User Information
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/user/update | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
token | String | 權限識別碼,用於識別使用者的身分 | v |
id | Integer | 變更對象(即是自己)的使用者 ID | v |
password | String | 若有,則嘗試將其設為新的密碼 | |
name | String | 若有,則嘗試將其設為新的暱稱 | |
type | String | 若有,則嘗試將其設為新的類別 | |
location | String | 若有,則嘗試將其設為新的所在縣市 | |
motto | String | 若有,則嘗試將其設為新的座右銘 | |
intro | String | 若有,則嘗試將其設為新的自介 | |
url_avatar | String | 若有,則嘗試將其設為新的頭像圖片網址 |
範例-{"token":"mqspoq5fc", "id":202, "type":"新分類", "motto":"新座右銘"}
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為更新成功,「-1」為查無使用者,「-2」為權限不合法 |
4 - Get List of Boards
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/boards | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,應為「0」,表示查詢成功 |
boards | Object Array | code 為零時存在,元素結構參考下幾列 |
boards[index].id | Integer | 看板 ID,可用於查詢看版下的文章 |
boards[index].name | String | 即看板名字 |
範例-{"code":0, "boards":[]}
或是 {"code":0, "boards":[{"id":0, "name":"看版"}]}
5 - Get Posts with Filters
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/posts | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
policy | Integer | 排序策略,「0」為不指定,「1」為從新到舊,「2」為從關聯性高到低 | v |
id_user | Integer | 若有,則只回傳該使用者 ID 所發表的文章 | |
id_board | Integer | 若有,則只回傳該看版 ID 底下的文章,「-1」則表示個人發文 | |
keyword | String | 若有,則只回傳包含該關鍵字的文章 | |
ts | Datatime String | 格式為「YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM」,若有,則只回傳該時間點後的新文章 |
範例-{"policy":1, "id_user":202, "ts":"2020-02-26 20:02"}
或是 {"policy":2, "keyword":"關鍵字"}
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為查詢成功,「-1」為策略不存在 |
posts | Object Array | code 為零時存在,元素結構參考下幾列 |
posts[index].id | Integer | 文章 ID,可用於查詢看文章的留言或進行編輯 |
posts[index].id_user | Integer | 文章作者的使用者 ID |
posts[index].id_board | Integer | 文章所屬看版的 ID,「-1」則表示個人發文 |
posts[index].title | String | 文章標題 |
posts[index].content | String | 文章內容 |
posts[index].url_avatar | String | 文章縮圖網址 |
posts[index].ts_create | Datetime String | 文章發表日期,格式為「YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM」 |
範例-{"code":0, "posts":[]}
或是 {"code":0, "posts":[{"id":4, "user_id":202, "id_board":5, "title":"標題", "content":"內文", "url_avatar":"https://post.png", "ts_create":"2020-02-26 21:00"}, {"id":8, ...}]}
6 - Publish or Update a Post
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/post/update | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
id | Integer | 文章 ID,若有,且文章存在,則會更新該文章 | |
token | String | 權限識別碼,用於識別使用者的身分 | v |
id_user | Integer | 欲發文者(即是自己)的使用者 ID | v |
id_board | Integer | 欲發表文章的看版 ID,「-1」為個人發文 | v |
title | String | 文章標題 | v |
content | String | 文章內容 | v |
url_avatar | String | 文章縮圖網址 | v |
範例-{"token":"mqspoq5fc", "id_user":202, "id_board":5, "title":"新標題", "content":"新內文", "url_avatar":"https://beauty.png"}
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為發文或更新成功,「-1」為查無使用者,「-2」為看版不存在,「-3」為資訊有缺漏或空白,「-4」則是使用者權限不合法 |
id | Integer | code 為零時存在,表示新文章的 ID |
或是 {"code":0, "id":9}
7 - Get Post Information and Related Comments
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/post | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
id | Integer | 欲瀏覽的文章 ID | v |
範例-{"id": 4}
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為查詢成功,「-1」為查無此文章 |
id_user | Integer | code 為零時存在,該文章作者的使用者 ID |
id_board | Integer | code 為零時存在,該文章所屬看版的 ID |
title | String | code 為零時存在,即文章標題 |
content | String | code 為零時存在,即文章內容 |
url_avatar | String | code 為零時存在,即文章縮圖網址 |
ts_create | Datetime String | code 為零時存在,文章發表日期,格式為「YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM」 |
comments | Object Array | code 為零時存在,元素結構參考下幾列 |
comments[i].id | Integer | 留言 ID,修改或編輯時使用 |
comments[i].id_user | Integer | 該留言使用者的 ID |
comments[i].content | String | 該留言的內文 |
comments[i].ts_create | Datetime String | 該留言的發表日期,格式為「YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM」 |
範例-{"code":0, "id_user":202, "id_board":5, "title":"標題", "content":"內文", "url_avatar":"https://post.png", "ts_create":"2020-02-26 21:00", "comments":[{"id":1034, "id_user":204, "content":"回應", "ts_create":"2020-02-26 21:05"}]}
8 - Publish or Update a Comment
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/comment/update | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
id | Integer | 留言 ID,若有,且留言存在,則會更新該留言 | |
token | String | 權限識別碼,用於識別使用者的身分 | v |
id_user | Integer | 欲留言者(即是自己)的使用者 ID | v |
id_post | Integer | 欲留言回覆的文章 ID | v |
content | String | 留言內容 | v |
範例-{"token":"mqspoq5fk", "id_user":202, "id_post":4, "content":"新回應"}
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為回覆成功,「-1」為查無使用者,「-2」為文章不存在,「-3」為資訊有缺漏或空白,「-4」則是使用者權限不合法 |
id | Integer | code 為零時存在,表示新文章的 ID |
或是 {"code":0, "id":1039}
9 - Get Chatrooms of a User
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/chatrooms | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
token | String | 權限識別碼,用於識別使用者的身分 | v |
id | Integer | 使用者 ID | v |
範例-{"token":"mqspoq5fc", "id":202}
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為查詢成功,「-1」為查無使用者,「-2」是使用者權限不合法 |
chatrooms | Object Array | code 為零時存在,元素結構參考下幾列 |
chatrooms[index].id | Integer | 聊天室 ID,用於瀏覽對話記錄或發訊 |
chatrooms[index].id_user_target | Integer | 聊天室對象的使用者 ID |
chatrooms[index].name | String | 聊天室名稱,預設是對象名字 |
chatrooms[index].url_avatar | String | 聊天室頭像網址 |
chatrooms[index].lastmsg_status | Integer | 最後一則訊息的狀態,「0」為新,「1」為舊,「2」為已發送 |
chatrooms[index].lastmsg_content | String | 最後一則訊息的內容 |
chatrooms[index].lastmsg_ts | Datetime String | 最後一則訊息的時間,格式為「YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM」 |
範例-{"code":0, "chatrooms":[{"id":67, "id_user_target":205, "name":"聊天對象", "url_avatar":"http://handsome.jpg", "lastmsg_status":0, "lastmsg_content":"訊息", ,"lastmsg_ts":"2020-02-28 23:55"}]}
10 - Update a Chatroom
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/chatroom/update | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
id | Integer | 聊天室 ID | v |
token | String | 權限識別碼,用於識別使用者的身分 | v |
id_user | Integer | 欲編輯聊天室(即是自己)的使用者 ID | v |
name | String | 若有,則更新聊天室的名字 | |
url_avatar | String | 若有,則更新聊天室的縮圖網址 |
範例-{"id":68, "token":"mqspoq5fc", "id_user":202, "name":"聊天室名稱"}
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為更新成功,「-1」為聊天室不存在,「-2」為查無使用者,「-3」則是使用者權限不合法 |
11 - Get Messages Between Users
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/messages | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
token | String | 權限識別碼,用於識別使用者的身分 | v |
id | Integer | 使用者 ID | v |
id_user_target | Integer | 聊天對象的使用者 ID | v |
範例-{"token":"mqspoq5fc", "id":202, "id_user_target":206}
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為查詢成功,「-1」為查無使用者,「-2」為查無聊天室,「-3」為權限不合法 |
id_chatroom | Integer | code 為零時存在,代表兩人之間的聊天室 ID |
name | String | code 為零時存在,代表兩人之間的聊天室名稱 |
url_avatar | String | code 為零時存在,代表兩人之間的聊天室縮圖網址 |
messages | Object Array | code 為零時存在,最新的一百筆,元素結構參考下幾列 |
messages[index].status | Integer | 訊息狀態,「0」為新,「1」為舊,「2」為已發送 |
messages[index].content | String | 訊息內容 |
messages[index].ts_create | Datetime String | 訊息時間,格式為「YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM」 |
範例-{"code":0, "id_chatroom":69, "name":"聊天對象", "url_avatar":"http://nurse.png", "messages":[{"status":2, "content":"訊息一", "ts_create":"2020-03-01 22:15"}, {"status":1, "content":"訊息二", "ts_create":"2020-03-01 22:20"}]}
12 - Send Message
Path | Protocol | Request Content Type | Response Content Type | Charset |
[SUFFIX]/message/update | HTTP POST | Application/JSON | Application/JSON | UTF-8 |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
token | String | 權限識別碼,用於識別使用者的身分 | v |
id | Integer | 使用者 ID | v |
id_user_target | Integer | 聊天對象的使用者 ID | v |
content | String | 訊息內容 | v |
範例-{"token":"mqspoq5fc", "id":202, "id_user_target":206, "content":"新訊息"}
Key | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 狀態識別碼,「0」為發送成功,「-1」為查無使用者,「-2」為權限不合法 |
id_chatroom | Integer | code 為零時存在,代表兩人之間的聊天室 ID |
name | String | code 為零時存在,代表兩人之間的聊天室名稱 |
url_avatar | String | code 為零時存在,代表兩人之間的聊天室縮圖網址 |
messages | Object Array | code 為零時存在,最新的一百筆,元素結構參考下幾列 |
messages[index].status | Integer | 訊息狀態,「0」為新,「1」為舊,「2」為已發送 |
messages[index].content | String | 訊息內容 |
messages[index].ts_create | Datetime String | 訊息時間,格式為「YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM」 |
範例-{"code":0, "id_chatroom":69, "name":"聊天對象", "url_avatar":"http://nurse.png", "messages":[{"status":2, "content":"訊息一", "ts_create":"2020-03-01 22:15"}, {"status":1, "content":"訊息二", "ts_create":"2020-03-01 22:20"}, {"status":2, "content":"新訊息", "ts_create":"2020-03-01 22:25"}]}