This section presents how to run a preliminary version of an EDDL training operation in two different computing environments, demonstrating the heterogeneous capabilities of COMPSs. The demonstrators presented here have been executed on a Linux Ubuntu 18.04.
- Install Docker and docker-compose in your own computing resource. The one provided in this deliverable has been tested with Docker version 19.03.7, build 7141c199a2, Ubuntu 18.04.
- Pull the demonstrator image by running:
docker pull bscppc/compss-deephealth-demo
- Download the docker-compose.yml file provided and store it in a separate directory named deephealth:
git clone
- Run:
docker-compose up -d --scale compss-worker=4
. This will deploy five containers, four of which will take on the role of COMPSs workers, while the remaining will be used as the COMPSs master. - Access the COMPSs master container by running:
docker exec -it deephealth_compss-master_1 bash
. This will open a bash session inside the container, in the directory with the EDDL application and the needed COMPSs configuration options. - Enter the pyeddl directory:
cd pyeddl/third_party/compss_runtime
- Launch COMPSs by running the following command:
runcompss --lang=python --python_interpreter=python3 --project=linux-based/project.xml --resources=linux-based/resources.xml
- Once the application finishes correctly, the COMPSs master container can be exited. The containers can be destroyed by running, in the same directory:
docker-compose down -v
- Follow steps 1 and 2 of previous section.
- Make sure that kubectl, openvpn and curl package are installed in your Linux environment: curl is generally present in all Linux distributions; kubectl can be installed through the universal package manager snap, and openvpn can be obtained through the default package manager of the operating system, such as apt.
- Download the files required for the VPN connection into a separate folder (see in the comments attached to this deliverable how to get these files and the credentials; this information has not been included here for security reasons). In a terminal, run the following command, to connect the VPN:
sudo openvpn --script-security 2 --config ./infierno-TCP-1199-deephealth.ovpn
- Download the configuration files by executing the following command:
git clone
- A container must be deployed in the cluster, which will play the role of the COMPSs master. This can be done by running the provided script:
, which communicates with the API developed by TREE. The script will fail if the container exists, but the next steps can be followed nevertheless. - Disconnect from the VPN.
- Copy the provided kubeconfig configuration file in a separate, empty folder. Use kubectl, along with the aforementioned configuration file, to access the newly created COMPSs master, by running the following command:
KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig kubectl exec -it compss-master -- /bin/bash
- Inside the COMPSs master container, go to pyeddl/third_party/compss_runtime directory and launch the execution by running the following command:
runcompss --lang=python --python_interpreter=python3 --project=cloud/project.xml --resources=cloud/resources.xml --conn=es.bsc.compss.connectors.DefaultNoSSHConnector --master_name=$(hostname -I)
. 8.1. When the message "Application finished" shows up on screen, the training has successfully completed. There is a chance the runtime freezes after completion. This is a known issue that can be dealt with by pressing CTRL+Z.