This package to fetch data from tradingview websocket
pip3 install virtualenv virtualenv ./virtualenv --python=$(which python3)
. virtualenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
python -m test
- define a callback function get receive result
def callbackFunc(s):
- call websocket to get quote price or ohlcv to write a trading bot, data will be delayed 10m if don't use account premium
pair = "ES"
market = "futures" # 'stock' | 'futures' | 'forex' | 'cfd' | 'crypto' | 'index' | 'economic'
username = None
password = None
trading = td.TradingViewWs(pair, market, username, password)
# get quote price
# get ohlcv
interval = 5
total_candle = 240 # total candle to calculate indicator ex: EMA, WMA
trading.realtime_bar_chart(interval, total_candle, callbackFunc)