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City2BIM IFC Export

Marcus Schroeder edited this page Jun 7, 2021 · 4 revisions


A separate IFC exporter is implemented, but it is still under development. For data that which are not generated by our plugin we recommend the revit's own exporter. A file is created in the local directory *C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\City2BIM*, with which the georeferencing can be transferred standard-confrom as PropertySet.

File structure:


The attributes for georeferencing from the project information are written into the PropertySets ePset_MapConversion or ePset_ProjectedCRS during the IFC export. To ensure this, this text file must be included during the export, see image (Revit Ifc Exporter settings):



  • only export of IFC4
  • no support for MVDs
  • CityGML buildings will be expoted as IfcBuildingElementProxy
  • Settings via Revit only partially possible