Collection of "useful" (at least to me) CMake scripts.
This one was created after an awefull lot of time spent on trying to figure out how the hell are we supposed to link against a statically built version of Qt on Windows.
It also helps me with handling my various development machines by providing helpers to locate Qt library. Basic usage:
# this will import the needed targets, and patch them if necessary
# (which it is on Windows when using a static Qt lib)
set (QT_ROOT "path/to/your/Qt/library/folder/lib/cmake")
set (QT_COMPONENTS Widgets)
include (CMakeUtils/Qt.cmake)
target_link_libraries (MyAwesomeQtTool PRIVATE Qt::Widgets)
For more information, check the beginning of the script. But basically even on Windows with a static Qt library, this should work out of the box.
Various helpers for ease of development. For each function, check the comment preceding in the CMake script for more information.
- target_set_app_icon : Set an icon to the executable file. Windows only.