Extends Django REST Framework to create instant full-featured GET APIs with fields, filters, offset, limit, etc., including the ability to drill down into chained objects (foreignKey, manyToMany, oneToOne fields).
You create just one simple view per API; you do not need to create separate serializers for the chained objects.
Example adapted from code in tests.py.
- Install the package:
pip install git+https://github.com/peterh32/django-rest-framework-drilldown.git
Create a view that's a subclass of DrillDownAPIView (use your own models; "Invoice" is just an example):
from rest_framework_drilldown import DrillDownAPIView class InvoiceList(DrillDownAPIView): """A GET API for Invoice objects""" # Primary model for the API (required) model = Invoice # Global throttle for the API. Defaults to 1000. If your query hits MAX_RESULTS, # this is noted in X-Query_Warning in the response header. MAX_RESULTS = 5000 # The picky flag defaults to False; if True, then any unidentifiable param in the # request will result in an error. #picky = True # Optional list of chained foreignKey, manyToMany, and oneToOne objects # your users can drill down into -- note that you do not need to build # separate serializers for these; DrilldownAPI builds them dynamically. drilldowns = ['client__profile', 'salesperson__profile', 'items'] # Optional list of fields to ignore if they appear in the request ignore = ['fakefield'] # Optional list of fields that your users are not allowed to # see or query hide = ['salesperson__commission_pct'] def get_base_query(self): # Base query for your class, typically just '.objects.all()' return Invoice.objects.all()
- In urls.py, create a URL for the view:
url(r'^invoices/$', InvoiceList.as_view(), name='invoices'),
Start running queries! Some of the things you can do:
- Limit and offset:
Does just what you'd expect. The total number of results is returned in a custom header code:
X-Total-Count: 2034
- Specify fields to include, including "drilldown" fields:
Returns invoices showing just the invoice ID and the client's first and last name.
- Filter on fields:
Lists invoices where total >= $100 and salesperson is "Smith".
- Filter on dates and booleans:
Dates are formatted YYYY-MM-DD and booleans may be true, True, false, or False.
- Use the 'ALL' keyword to return all fields in an object:
Lists the salesperson for each invoice; will display all salesperson fields EXCEPT commission_pct which is in the "hide" list in the API above.
- Use order_by, including - sign for reverse:
Returns invoices ordered by associated client's last name, from highest to lowest amount.
- Total number of results for each query (before applying limit and offset) are returned in a custom header code:
X-Total-Count: 2034
- Errors and warnings are also returned in a custom header code. Errors get status 400; warnings are status 200.
X-Query_Error: error text
X-Query_Warning: warning text
Also supports format parameter, e.g. ?format=json
DrillDownAPIView overrides the Django REST Framework's get() method. It does not affect post() and other methods at all, so your DrillDownAPIView class may include a standard Django REST Framework post() method.
- Access Control:
In your API view, override the get() method and add your access control to it:
@method_decorator(accounting_permission_required) def get(self, request): return super(InvoiceList, self).get(request)
- Custom Queries:
Assume that invoices > $1000 require prior authorization, and you'd like to support that as a simple query:
- Add your field to the ignore list in the API view:
ignore = ['requires_authorizaton']
Add the logic for handling the new filter to
in the API view:def get_base_query(self): qs = Invoice.objects.all() if self.request.GET.get('requires_authorizaton'): requires_authorization = self.request.GET['requires_authorization'] if requires_authorization == 'True': qs = qs.filter(total__gt=1000) elif requires_authorization == 'False': qs = qs.exclude(total__gt=1000) return qs
Now you can query for