These are some of the models I implemented in Stan, partly for easy reference, and partly to share models that I have developed or extended.
Feel free to ask me questions or make pull requests.
Fast piecewise linear function (similar to first-degree splines). When using many knots, it's faster than Kharratzadeh's spline implementation. It is also particularly advantageous when setting priors since there is a more intuitive relationship between the local and global flexibilities of the function, and I've made the priors (mostly) invariant to changes in the number of knots, such that, e.g., sigma=0.5 is equal to a change of 0.5 in Y for every 1 standard deviation change in X. Interpolation to values outside the range of observed data is not possible (but that's a tricky subject for every model anyways). It also doesn't work very well with exponential relationships because the piecewise slopes have (on average) a constant 'rate of change', and that causes overfitting in the ranges of values where Y is relatively closer to zero. You can fix that by just exponentiating phi if Y > 0. I tried to find a more general solution, one that would work when Y has negative values: the flexibility of the spline is allowed to change over the range of X in an exponential way (fast_1d_splines_exp.stan). Seems to take ~50% longer to fit on toy data sets. But I haven't really tested this, so proceed with caution (always!).
Hierarchical models and splines with missing data. Most simple regression problems have a mixture of continuous and discrete data with a lot of missingness -- this model addresses that. The missingness is addressed in a way that may invalidate it from having a causal meaning.
Autoregressive Conditional Poisson/Negative-Binomial (ARCP/ARCNG), which works similarly to GARCH models, but for counts instead of squared observations). The advantage of this model over structural time series is that it only needs 2-4 parameters to model the 'residual' component of a time series -- the component that is (ideally) stationary and cannot be explained away by other covariates. This model was originally developed by Heinen's (2003) article. I added the following changes and extensions:
- Allow for complex multiplicative seasonality and external predictors (i.e., exogenous terms).
- Reparameterization of many variables to make the model easier to estimate, which makes the use of variational inference more viable. (The reparameterizations can also be applied to GARCH models.)
Bayesian structural time series. I base this on the code of Phalen. I optimized it and simplified it. The model struggles with larger samples (>>2000) when using HMC, but tends to be more robust when doing inference in general problems -- there are no strong assumptions about how the latent state should evolve.
- Student-t: this is different from the reparameterization from the Stan User's guide. In my case, one parameter sets the standard deviation of the whole distribution, while the other one sets (what would be) the standard deviation of a standard student-t, which maps directly to the parameter nu. With this, the problematic posterior is (mostly) gone, though you tend to see one of the parameters being a bit more long-tailed.
- Beta and alpha parameters in GARCH/ARCP models: this is the one I mentioned in the previous section. Here I eliminate all the unrelated code.
Hierarchical splines. The splines and allow deviations from them with a hierarchical structure. Check the work of Dr. Gavin Simpson on this.
For the ARCP/ARCNG model:
- Let the unconditional mean ("omega") vary through time to allow for trends. Currently, the sum of alpha and beta parameters is always too high when modeling non-stationary time series. The plan is to use splines to model omega, although they cannot be too flexible. Something similar to the C-GARCH can also work, although that is bad for extrapolating -- the process always reverts to a long-run mean.
- Experiment with "time before/after event" factors. These are only useful for events with some irregularity (like sales before/after Easter) instead of events (like Christmas). I need a mixture of the functions "additive_trend" and "additive_factor".
- Support for multiple time series. To be complete, this requires two things: allow for a multivariate residual component, and hierarchical relationships between seasonality and trends. This last one is done in the following way (for yearly seasonality as an example): instead of estimating one yearly trend for every time series, first estimate the average trend, and then allow for hierarchically-structured deviations from that mean; only after that do you use indexing in the code. This could be applied to splines in a similar way, I think, but it is less straightforward in that case.
- Allow missing data.
For time series more generally, apply what I learned with ARC model to ARMA models. The motivation is to have something like Prophet, but with better performance and without all the tacky choices that they have -- like having to specify bounds, no support for count variables or hierarchical/multivariate relationships, modeling seasonality with Fourier series, or having two 'trends'. So the objective is to have a middle term between conventional ARMA-type models (which work well enough in most cases but are very limiting) and black-box models like neural networks or tree-based models (which do not even work that well most of the time).
See what can be done with factor models for factor analysis.