This repository for noting some resources that may help me in studying ML/DL and applying AI/ML/DL into real world
[1] CME 323: Distributed Algorithms and Optimization
[2] CME342 - Parallel Methods in Numerical Analysis
[3] Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming (CMU 15-418/618)
[1] Deep learning for Vision (instructor Yannis Avrithis) - (Univ of Rennes1)
[4] EE-559 Deep Learning - 2018 (lecture 4->10) - (instructor Francois Fleuret) (idiap)
[6] UVA - Deep learning course (lecture 4 -> 6, 8 -> 14) (Univ of Amsterdam)
[7] Deep learning (lecture 4 -> end) (univ Paris-Saclay)
[8] CSC-2523 Deep Learning in Computer Vision 2016 (instructor Sanja Fidler) - (Univ of Toronto)
[9] Topics Course on Deep Learning 2016 (1st Part) - (Joan Bruna) (UC Berkeley)
[13] COS 429 - Computer Vision (outline and lecture Notes) - (Princeton)
[15] CS 598/ IE 534, Fall 2018 (instructor Justin Sirignano) - (Univ os illinois)
[16] Machine Learning (instructor Bastian Leibe) - (RWTH AACHEN)
[17] CP8309/CP8315: Deep Learning in Computer Vision (instructor Kosta Derpanis) - (Univ Ryerson)
[18] Machine Learning in Three month (Video)
[19] Deep Learning for Visual Computing (TU WIEN)
[20] 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning (part 1(2, 3, 4), part 2(2), part 3(2, 3) (MIT)
[21] CS 9840 FALL 2015 Machine Learning and Computer Vision (Univ Western Ontario)
[22] Introduction to Computer Vision (UDACITY)
[24] (Univ Freiburg)
[25] (Univ of Cambridge)
[27] Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs (Video)
[28] GAME THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (M2 Course GTA) - (Lecture slides and exercises) - (Patrick maille)
[29] Speed up TensorFlow Inference on GPUs with TensorRT
[30] Optimizing TensorFlow Serving performance with NVIDIA TensorRT
[31] TensorRT for TensorFlow (video)
[32] CS 20: Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research
[1] Single Image Super-Resolution A collection of high-impact and state-of-the-art SR methods
[2] A collection of Single Image Super-Resolution Methods
[3] Super-Resolution via Deep Learning
[2] SSD
[3] single short learning
[1] Object Detection with Deep Learning: A Review
[2] A Review: Object Detection using Deep Learning
[3] Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection: A Survey
[1] New Trends on Moving Object Detection in Video Images Captured by a moving Camera: A Survey
[3] Optical Flow Based Real-time Moving Object Detection in Unconstrained Scenes
[1] awesome semantic segmentatation
[1] MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars (instructor Lex Fridman)
[1] achine Learning for medical imaging (Video)
[2] An overview of deep learning in medical imaging focusing on MRI
[3] Deep Learning for Medical Image Processing: Overview, Challenges and Future
[4] Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2018) Conference: Exploring Rejected Extended Abstracts
[5] Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis
[6] Overview of deep learning in medical imaging
[7] NiftyNet: a deep-learning platform for medical imaging
[8] Efficient multi-scale 3D CNN with fully connected CRF for accurate brain lesion segmentation
[9] Review of MRI-based Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning Methods
[10] An overview of deep learning in medical imaging focusing on MRI
[11] Clara AI Platform (NVIDIA)
[12] CAP5516-Medical Image Computing (SPRING 2019)
[1] Deep Learning in Agriculture
[2] The Future of Farming with AI: Truly Organic at Scale (Video) - (AI with Quantum Computing, DWAVE)
[3] Deep Learning for Smart Argriculture
[4] Deep Learning in Agriculture: A Survey
[5] Machine Learning in Agriculture: A Review
[6] Big Data in Smart Farming - A review
[7] Smart drones and deep learning deliver low-cost precision agriculture for Aussie farmers
[8] Smart Farm 2.0 System Architecture
[9] How machine learning is gradually changing modern agricultural practices
[10] A hybrid machine learning approach to automatic plant phenotyping for smart agriculture
[12] Smart farming: How IoT, robotics, and AI are tackling one of the biggest problems of the century
[1] DeepFish: Accurate underwater live fish recognition with a deep architecture (98,64% of accuracy)
[1] Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning
[2] Atari - Solving Games with AI 🤖 (Part 1: Reinforcement Learning)
[3] Atari - Solving Games with AI🤖 (Part 2: Neuroevolution)
[4] Atari Project
[5] AlphaGo
[1] Automated Vision-Based Detection of Cracks on Concrete Surfaces Using a Deep Learning Technique
[2] Learning Python
[3] Python Machine Learning (Sebastian RAschka)utm_source=dzone&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=outreach
[4] Advanced Machine Learning with Python (john Hearty)
[5] Think Stats – Probability and Statistics for Programmers ( Allan B. Downey)
[6] Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms (Shai Shalev - Shwartz
[7] Deep Learning
[8] MIT Deep Learning Book (beautiful and flawless PDF version)