The dwapi
R package makes it easy to use's REST API in R.
Using the package, users can:
- Create and update datasets, metadata and files
- Query datasets using SQL and SPARQL
- Download files and entire datasets
To get started, load the library and checkout the quickstart
vignette("quickstart", package = "dwapi")
Here is a simple example:
intro_dataset <- dwapi::get_dataset(
owner_id = "jonloyens",
dataset_id = "an-intro-to-dataworld-dataset")
To get the current version from GitHub:
devtools::install_github("datadotworld/dwapi-r", build_vignettes = TRUE, ref = "main")
First, users must obtain an API authentication token at:
IMPORTANT: For your security, do not include your API authentication token in code that is intended to be shared with others.
To configure the package, use dwapi::configure
> library(dwapi)
> dwapi::configure(auth_token = "YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")
Check out the quickstart
vignette and the package documentation (?dwapi
> vignette("quickstart", package = "dwapi")
> ?dwapi