Releases: d-Rickyy-b/MGGVertretungsplan
Test 9 for GitHub Actions - Build, sign and upload
v3.2.4-beta3 build: fix typo in deploy action
Detailed notifications
In this release you can now decide if you want to have normal, grouped notifications or detailed ones.
Added share functionality
Big thanks to Philipp
Merge pull request #95 from d-Rickyy-b/dev Bugfixes and update to 3.2.1
Bugfixes, Improvements, File Logger, Android 8 support
Finally the app has been updated for Android 8
Release Candidate for the 3.2.0 update
This version fixes some Android O background issues.
It also implements a dark theme, fixes some minor issues, had some code improvements, etc.
This is still a beta release!
This is a test release for travis auto build
I configured travis so that it automatically builds the apk. Let's see if it works.
A/B Weeks in UI
This update brings a new A/B week indicator to the user interface.
Also some bugfixes of course.
Multiple Bugfixes
Multiple bugfixes for several bugs which came up since the re-design of the website
Fixes for new website
The website of the MGG has changed and thus I needed to include some optimizations so that the app works again.
Additionally major improvements have been made to the internals of the app. It can be easier maintained, since the code was cleaned up, a proper datamodel has been created and parser classes handle the parsing of the website. With the last mentioned improvement, the code can be easily changed, so that it handles another school's timetable.