logopy is a Logo interpreter written in Python3. It aims to have some degree of compatibility with UCBLogo, but I am open is open to adding new and interesting features.
To install using pipenv:
$ cd logopy/
$ pipenv install
To run using pipenv:
$ cd logopy/
$ PYTHONPATH=. pipenv run ./bin/logopycli.py -f ./example_scripts/pysymbol2.lg
To create an SVG image:
$ cd logopy/
$ PYTHONPATH=. pipenv run ./bin/logopycli.py -f ./example_scripts/pysymbol2.lg svg -o pysymbol2.svg
To create an animated SVG image that can be viewed in a web browser:
$ cd logopy/
$ PYTHONPATH=. pipenv run ./bin/logopycli.py -f ./example_scripts/pointy_star.lg svg --html /path/to/a/folder/for/web-files \
--html-title 'Pointy Star' --html-scale 50 --animation-duration 400 --animation-type onebyone --animation-start automatic
Full docs at Read the Docs .