CLI: Add support for saving annotations in a git repository when creating a task.
CVAT-3D: support lidar data on the server side (#2534 )
GPU support for Mask-RCNN and improvement in its deployment time (#2714 )
CVAT-3D: Load all frames corresponding to the job instance
(#2645 )
Intelligent scissors with OpenCV javascript (#2689 )
CVAT-3D: Visualize 3D point cloud spaces in 3D View, Top View Side View and Front View (#2768 )
Inside Outside Guidance serverless
function for interactive segmentation
Pre-built cvat_server and
cvat_ui images were published on DockerHub (#2766 )
Project task subsets (#2774 )
Kubernetes templates and guide for their deployment (#1962 )
WiderFace format support (#2864 )
VGGFace2 format support (#2865 )
Backup/Restore guide (#2964 )
Label deletion from tasks and projects (#2881 )
CVAT-3D: Implemented initial cuboid placement in 3D View and select cuboid in Top, Side and Front views
(#2891 )
Market-1501 format support (#2869 )
Ability of upload manifest for dataset with images (#2763 )
Annotations filters UI using react-awesome-query-builder (#1418 )
Storing settings in local storage to keep them between browser sessions (#3017 )
ICDAR format support (#2866 )
Added switcher to maintain polygon crop behavior (#3021
Filters and sorting options for job list, added tooltip for tasks filters (#3030 )
CLI - task list now returns a list of current tasks. (#2863 )
Updated HTTPS install README section (cleanup and described more robust deploy)
Logstash is improved for using with configurable elasticsearch outputs (#2531 )
Bumped nuclio version to 1.5.16 (#2578 )
All methods for interactive segmentation accept negative points as well
Persistent queue added to logstash (#2744 )
Improved maintenance of popups visibility (#2809 )
Image visualizations settings on canvas for faster access (#2872 )
Better scale management of left panel when screen is too small (#2880 )
Improved error messages for annotation import (#2935 )
Using manifest support instead video meta information and dummy chunks (#2763 )
More robust execution of nuclio GPU functions by limiting the GPU memory consumption per worker (#2714 )
Kibana startup initialization (#2659 )
The cursor jumps to the end of the line when renaming a task (#2669 )
SSLCertVerificationError when remote source is used (#2683 )
Fixed filters select overflow (#2614 )
Fixed tasks in project auto annotation (#2725 )
Cuboids are missed in annotations statistics (#2704 )
The list of files attached to the task is not displayed (<
A couple of css-related issues (top bar disappear, wrong arrow position on collapse elements) (#2736 )
Issue with point region doesn't work in Firefox (#2727 )
Fixed cuboid perspective change (#2733 )
Annotation page popups (ai tools, drawing) reset state after detecting, tracking, drawing (#2780 )
Polygon editing using trailing point (#2808 )
Updated the path to python for DL models inside automatic annotation documentation (#2847 )
Fixed of receiving function variable (#2860 )
Shortcuts with CAPSLOCK enabled and with non-US languages activated (#2872 )
Prevented creating several issues for the same object (#2868 )
Fixed label editor name field validator (#2879 )
An error about track shapes outside of the task frames during export (#2890 )
Fixed project search field updating (#2901 )
Fixed export error when invalid polygons are present in overlapping frames (#2852 )
Fixed image quality option for tasks created from images (#2963 )
Incorrect text on the warning when specifying an incorrect link to the issue tracker (#2971 )
Updating label attributes when label contains number attributes (#2969 )
Crop a polygon if its points are outside the bounds of the image (#3025 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.