`-quiet` flag suppresses logging for each DNS query
Google Cloud Plaatform (GCP) charged me $17.69 last month for "Cloud Logging" which consumed 84.74 GiB.
At an average of 51.2 queries/second, and each log line averaging 192 bytes, and 606024*30 seconds/month, this works out to 25,480,396,800 bytes (23.73 GiB), which works out to a monthly savings of $4.95 if using the -quiet
However, it seems that my saving would be even more because when I visually browse the logs, at least ⅔ are from sslip.io logging.
Breaking Change
The newest Docker image (v2.6.2+) should be invoked differently, without /usr/sbin/sslip.io-dns-server
docker run \
-it \
--rm \
-p 53:53/udp \
- /usr/sbin/sslip.io-dns-server \
-nameservers jammy.nono.io \
-addresses jammy.nono.io=,jammy.nono.io=2601:646:100:69f0:0:ff:fe00:72
Tech note: I switched the Dockerfile CMD
Full Changelog: 2.6.1...2.6.2