Simple 2D Heat equation implementation using different programming methods. Below are instructions for fortran compilation.
- Go into the code directory
- Edit the input.dat file
- The values in input.dat correspond to: grid size, sigma, nu, domain length, time iterations
- Read below for specific compilation instructions
- You need gfortran to compile the code
- You need nvfortran to compile code
- You need nvfortran and mpif90 from Openmpi
- Please check the makefile in this directory for specific compilation options which include both CUDA Aware and CUDA Not aware MPI implementations
- HIP implementation works for both CUDA and AMD GPUs
- For installing hip, I recommend using spack and installing the following packages:
spack install hip; spack install hipfort
- For more instructions to change the GPU platforms, please check this repo
Note: I am almost sure that the implementations should work. If in case you find any bugs, please send me a pull request.