- tapering axon simulation code based on Johnson, Holmes, Brown, and Jung 2015
- clone the repo
- compile the mod files (differs based on OS - see NEURON documentation)
- run main.hoc
- maximize velocity
- minimize energy
- minimize noise variability
- amount of protein membrane can sustain
- node only gets to minimum needed
- see brill et al ~1997
- Resting potential might be getting messed up
- Look at changing gbar
- Look at changing potassium conductances
- currently fires with noise
- fires at very low voltage
- Johnson, Holmes, Brown, and Jung 2015
- Goal: maximize conduction velocity but minimize metabolic costs
- Myelination does this by decreasing capacitance
- Increasing axon diameter does this by increasing ion flow
- They assume fixed number of sodium channels and change morphology
- 3 different taperings along the PARA
- other papers
- base on Mcintyre, Richardson, and Grill 2001
- empirical fits to blight, 1985 rat recording and david, 1995 rat recording
- fixed surface area and looked at different diameters