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Asynchronous caching and multiplexing layer for modern Swift client apps

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Asynchronous caching and multiplexing layer for modern Swift client apps

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The Swift AsyncMux utility suite provides a caching/multiplexing layer for network objects, based on Swift's Structured Concurrency (async/await). AsyncMux is an evolution of an older, callback-based library available here.

Here are the scenarios that are covered by the Multiplexer utilities:

Scenario 1: execute an async block, typically a network call, and return the result to one or more callers. Various parts of your app may be requesting e.g. the user's profile simultaneously at program startup; you want to make sure the network request is performed only once, then the result is returned to all parts of the app that requested the object. We call it multiplexing.

Additionally, provide caching of the results in memory for a certain period of time. Subsequent calls to a multiplexer may return the cached result unless some time-to-live (TTL) elapses, in which case a new network call is made transparently.

Scenario 2: if your app is launched while there's no network connection, allow the app to show at least some content. This is achieved by caching the network objects on disk so that they can survive app reboots, and by having multiplexers automatically return the cached results regardless of their TTL in case there was a connection error.

Provide "soft" and "hard" refresh functions for each multiplexer.

Scenario 3: provide file downloading, multiplexing and disk caching for immutable objects, such as media files and documents.


Multiplexer<T> is an asynchronous caching facility for client apps. Each multiplxer instance can manage retrieval, multiplexing and caching of one object of type T: Codable & Sendable, therefore it is best to define each multiplexer instance in your app as a singleton. Also note that Multiplexer itself is an actor, therefore all its public methods are asynchronous.

For each multiplexer singleton you define a block that implements asynchronous retrieval of an object, which may be e.g. a network request to your backend system.

A multiplexer singleton guarantees that there will only be one fetch/retrieval operation made, and that subsequently a memory-cached object will be returned to the callers of its request() method , unless the cached object expires according to the defaultTTL setting (currently set to 30 minutes). Additionally, Multiplexer can store the object on disk - see MuxRepository and also the discussion on request() below.

Suppose you have a UserProfile structure and a method for retrieving the current user's profile object from the backend, whose signature looks like this:

class Backend {
    static func fetchMyProfile() async throws -> UserProfile {
        // ...

Then an instantiation of a multiplexer singleton will look like:

let myProfile = Multiplexer<UserProfile>(onFetch: {
    try await Backend.fetchMyProfile()

Or even shorter:

let myProfile = Multiplexer(onFetch: Backend.fetchMyProfile)

Now you can use myProfile to fetch the profile object by calling the request() method like so:

try {
    let profile = try await myProfile.request()
catch {
    print("Coudn't retrieve user profile:", error)

When called for the first time, request() calls your onFetch block, returns it asynchronously to the caller (or throws an error), and also caches the result in memory. Subsequent calls to request() will return immediately with the stored object.

Most importantly, request() can handle multiple simultaneous calls and ensures only one onFetch operation is initiated at a time.


By default, Multiplexer<T> can store objects as JSON files in the local cache directory. This is done by explicitly calling save() on the multiplexer object, or alternatively saveAll() on the global repository MuxRepository if the multiplexer object is registered there. Registration can be done like so:

let myProfile = Multiplexer<UserProfile>(cacheKey: "MyProfile") {
    try await Backend.fetchMyProfile()

Notice the argument cacheKey: in multiplexer's constructor: this is necessary for storing the object on disk (although optional if you don't use disk caching).

The objects stored on disk can be reused by the multiplexer even after TTL expires if your onFetch fails due to a connectivity problem. You can additionally tell the multiplexer to ignore the error and fetch the cached object by throwing a SilencableError in your onFetch method.

The disk storage method is currently hardcoded but will be possible to override in the future releases of the library.

At run time, you can invalidate the cached object using one of the following methods:

  • "Soft refresh": chain the refresh() method with a call to request(): the multiplexer will attempt to fetch the object again, but will not discard the existing cached objects in memory or on disk. In case of a silencable error (i.e. connectivity issue) the older cached object will be used again as a result.
  • "Hard refresh": call clear() to discard both memory and disk caches for a given object. The next call to request() will attempt to fetch the object and will fail in case of an error.

More detailed descriptions on each method can be found in the source file Multiplexer.swift.

MultiplexerMap<K, T>

MultiplexerMap<K, T> is similar to Multiplexer<T> in many ways except it maintains a dictionary of objects of the same type. One example would be e.g. user profile objects in your social app. Internally, a multiplexer map is a dictionary of multiplexers whose code is executed by the same actor.

The K generic paramter should conform to LosslessStringConvertible & Hashable & Sendable. The string convertibility requirement is because it simplifies the disk cacher's job of storing objects.

The examples given for the Multiplexer above will look as follows. Firstly, suppose you have a method for retrieving a user profile by a user ID:

class Backend {
    static func fetchUserProfile(id: String) async throws -> UserProfile {
        // ...

Further, the MultiplexerMap singleton can be defined as follows:

let userProfiles = MultiplexerMap(onFetch: Backend.fetchUserProfile)

And used in the app like so:

try {
    let profile = try await userProfiles.request(key: "user_8cJOiRXbugFccrUhmCX2")
catch {
    print("Coudn't retrieve user profile:", error)

Like Multiplexer, MultiplexerMap defines its own methods refresh(), clear() and save(). Additionally for refresh() and clear() there are versions of these methods that take the object key as a parameter.

Internally MultiplexerMap maintains a map of Multiplexer objects, meaning that fetching and caching of each object by its ID is done independently.

More detailed descriptions on each method can be found in the source file MultiplexerMap.swift.


MuxRepository is a global actor-singleton that can be used for centralized operations such as clearAll() and saveAll() on all multiplexer instances in your app. You should register each instance using the register() method on each multiplexer instance. Note that MuxRepository retains the objects, which generally should not be a problem for singletons. Use unregister() in case you need to release an instance previously registered with the repository.

By default, the Multiplexer and MultiplexerMap interfaces don't store objects on disk. If you want to keep the objects to ensure they survive app reboots, make sure you call MuxRepository.shared.saveAll() when the app is sent to background, like shown in the Demo app.

MuxRepository.shared.clearAll() discards all memory and disk objects. This is useful when e.g. the user signs out of your system and you need to make sure no traces are left of data related to a given user in memory or disk.


AsyncMedia is a global actor-singleton that provides downloading, multiplexing and caching facility for arbitrary large files that are considered immutable.

Like with other multiplexers, AsyncMedia ensures that for each remote URL only one download process is active regrdless of the number of times the request(url:) was called simultaneously.

The download process is based on streaming, which means memory used by each download process is fixed and doesn't depend on the file size.

Each file you request using AsyncMedia.shared.request(url:) is downloaded and stored locally in the app's cache directory; the local file URL is then returned asynchronously. Subsequent calls to request(url:) for the same URL will return the local file URL immediately.

Use cachedValue(url:) to get the local file URL of a cached object, if available.

Note that the remote files are assumed to be immutable, and therefore no time-to-live is maintained, i.e. it is assumed that the file can be stored in the local cache indefinitely. Note also that the OS can wipe the app's cache directory if it needs to free space, which normally should happen when the app is not running.

Even though the latest SwiftUI versions come with the AsyncImage interface, its behavior is not very well defined in the documentation. We therefore included a complete package for in-memory LRU caching of images backed by AsyncMedia, as well as the RemoteImage component that uses both, as a part of the demo app.

Experimental features

This version of the library includes an experimental utility feature Zip and an accompanying family of functions zip(...). They are described and defined in Zip.swift. For an example usage see function reload() in the demo app's ContentView.

Building and linking

You can either use the SPM package definition provided, or alternatively clone this repo and use it as a git submodule in your project.

If you want to try the demo, launch the AsyncMux.xcworkspace file. Weather API used in the demo app: Open Meteo

The AsyncMux framework doesn't have any 3rd party dependencies.

Enjoy your coding!


AsyncMux is developed by Hovik Melikyan.